2014 International CES to Take Place January 7-10, 2014 in Las Vegas

从driverless cars and 3D printing to Ultra HD TV, health technologies and beyond, the 2014 International CES® is the place to see inspiring innovations across the consumer technology ecosystem. Owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®, the 2014 CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, will run January 7-10, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“From wearable tech to the latest in 3D printing, the Internet of Things, driverless cars and sensor technologies, the 2014 CES will feature the world’s largest hands-on showcase of emerging innovation,” said Karen Chupka, senior vice president, International CES and corporate business strategy, CEA. “With just a few weeks to go until the 2014 CES, we cannot wait to see these game-changing technologies come to life on the show floor.”

The 2014 CES will feature more than 3,200 exhibitors unveiling the latest consumer technology products and services across 15 product categories. The 2014 CES will include exhibits, conferences and TechZones that highlight the latest emerging trends.


  • 3D Printing– This new TechZone will showcase the latest in 3D printing making it more accessible for today’s consumers. This designated area sold out and expanded three times to meet exhibitor demand.

3D系统 - LVCC,South Hall 3,展位#31424
MAKERBOT -LVCC,South Hall 3,展位#31624,31824
Sculpteo -LVCC,South Hall 3,展位#31417
Stratasys -LVCC,South Hall 3,展位#31628

不相信炒作?-3D打印被发现 - 2014年1月8日,星期三
Impact of the 3D Printing Revolution – Tuesday, January 7, 2014

  • 连接到云- 基于云的解决方案的进步正在彻底改变消费电子行业。云正在更改内容价值链,并随时随地,任何位置分配资产和编程,从而提供更好的交付和更好的用户体验。

Accusoft – LVH, booth #46006
GreatCall -LVCC,南大厅2,展位#25521
Imagination Technologies - LVCC, South Hall 4, Meeting Rooms S215-S216
Looxcie - LVCC, South Hall 2, booth #26109
MIO- LVCC,南大厅2,展位#26715
Occipital - LVCC, South Hall 2, booth #25502
SkyDrop- LVCC,南大厅4,展位#35349

连接到云– Wednesday, January 8, 2014
如何到达天堂 - 基于云的娱乐的未来 - 2014年1月7日,星期二

  • 无人驾驶汽车- 这项技术在Bosch赞助的新技术Zone,无人驾驶汽车体验中提供。该区域将采用支持自动/自动驾驶的未来的技术。归纳,福特和博世将在各自的测试轨道上提供驾驶/骑行机会。Valeo将展示其自动停车车。

博世 - LVCC,金广场,展位#DC-1
Ford – LVCC, Gold Plaza, booth #DC-4
归纳 - LVCC,金广场,展位#DC-2
Valeo – LVCC, Gold Plaza, booth #DC-3

Road to Driverless Mobility – Tuesday, January 7, 2014

卫生技术- 在接下来的几十年中,由科技成年人和医疗机构将花费数十亿美元用于数字健康。数字健康的创新超过了技术创新的所有其他领域。无线基础设施,监管机构,出色的工程和药品融合了这个新世界。

Highlighted exhibitors:
ANT+ - LVCC, South Hall 2, booth #26200, 26300
InteraXon - LVCC, South Hall 2, booth #25927
Omron Healthcare - LVCC, South Hall 2, booth #26124
Qardio Inc- LVCC,South Hall 2,展位#25824
UnitedHealthCare -LVCC,South Hall 2,展位#25515

Digital Health Summit – Wednesday, January 8 – Thursday, January 9, 2014
健身技术 - 2014年1月7日,星期二

  • Internet of Things- As more people are always on and connected through smart devices, we will see continued movement toward the “Internet of Things (IoT).” Increased connectedness through the IoT will allow greater control of our everyday lives and revolutionize the consumer space forever.

Cisco’s Internet of Everything - LVCC, Central Hall, booth #13342

Tech Titans Keynote Address:
思科董事长兼首席执行官约翰·钱伯斯(John Chambers) - 威尼斯宫舞厅
Internet of Everything – Thursday, January 9, 2014
物联网:钱在哪里 - 2014年1月9日,星期四

  • Sensor Technologies- 从手势识别和增强现实到令人眼前一亮的技术,传感器将在更智能和直观的设备中发挥关键作用。新型MotionTech Techzone将展示传感器技术进步领域的一些领先创新。

Highlighted exhibitors:
MEMS行业集团-LVCC,South Hall 2,展位#25736
Movea Inc. - LVCC, South Hall 2, booth #25336
Tobii Technology AB -LVCC,South Hall 2,展位#25333

MEMS传感器融合:革新物联网 - 2014年1月8日,星期三

  • Ultra HD电视- 展示技术中的创新一直是CES的基石,也是消费技术行业的标志。Ultra HD TV是下一代高清展示技术,是将4K数字电影院戏剧体验带入家庭的最接近的事情。

Highlighted exhibitors:
Hisense - LVCC, Central Hall, booth #7243
LG- LVCC,中央大厅,展位#8204
Panasonic - LVCC, Central Hall, booth #9806
三星 - LVCC,中央大厅,展位#12527
夏普 - LVCC,中央大厅,展位#10916
索尼 - LVCC,中央大厅,展位#14200,14213
东芝 - LVCC,中央大厅,展位#10926

Ultra HD内容:我们将在2014年及以后观看什么?- 2014年1月7日,星期二
看到的是:3D,4K和UHD - 2014年1月9日,星期四
Fool Me Once; Fool Me Twice. Lessons Learned on 4K – Monday, January 6, 2014
尖端电视:哪些技术将塑造未来?- 2014年1月9日,星期四

  • 可穿戴技术- 2014年CES是样式,传感器和连接性相交以揭示下一代技术可穿戴设备的地方。Fashionware是一种新的生活方式Techzone展示可穿戴技术,从根据外部温度进行调整的夹克到太阳能充电手袋。新的手腕革命Techzone将展示袖珍技术的最新发展,将标准手表转换为GPS,音乐播放器,健康监护仪等。

Highlighted exhibitors:
CLO Virtual Fashion – Venetian, Level 2, Venetian Ballroom, booth #71025
FashionTEQ – Venetian, Level 2, Venetian Ballroom, booth #71124
Filip Technologies - LVCC, South Hall 3, booth #30442I
高通Toq -LVCC,South Hall 3,展位#30442F
TomTom USA - LVCC, South Hall 3, booth #30442E

The Era of Wearable Tech Arrives – Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Wearable Tech – Wednesday, January 8, 2014
可穿戴技术:功能满足时尚 - 2014年1月7日,星期二

For more information on the 2014 International CES, including exhibitor listings and a full conference schedule, visit CESweb.org.



