Lockheed Martin Space Systems Highlights 3D Printing Technology at Manufacturing Day 2013

洛克希德·马丁太空系统公司杰斐逊县(Jefferson County)接待了社区领导人,以庆祝制造日,并向社区教育该公司的制造业能力。当地领导人参观了领先的洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)设施,并听取了革命制造业副总裁丹尼斯·利特尔(Dennis Little)的消息。

Dennis Little, vice president of Production, demonstrates 3D printing technology during Manufacturing Day 2013 activities.

Transforming Production with the Digital Tapestry
在演讲中,Little揭示了Space Systems公司集成到生产周期的下一代数字制造技术。这些技术构成了该公司的“数字挂毯”,这是一个由基于集成模型的工程(MBE)工具集驱动的无缝数字环境,可将数字数据从概念化到实现保持完整。

“Our Digital Tapestry of production brings digital design to every stage of the production process for a fluid product development cycle,” said Little. “From 3D virtual pathfinding simulations to 3D printing, we are using innovative digital technology to streamline the manufacturing process for lower cycle times and reduced costs for our customers.”

Space Systems Company is implementing 3D printing technology, also known as additive manufacturing, to print titanium satellite parts – reducing cost, cycle time and material waste. 3D printing is a process of making three-dimensional objects directly from a computer model. This process is achieved using an additive process. A material, such as titanium, is heated and then applied in successive layers to create almost any shape. When a product is printed using additive manufacturing, waste is minimized and cycle time is drastically reduced. Space Systems Company is currently using this process to develop printed satellite parts and plans to continue expanding the process in the future to complex parts and maybe even full satellites.

Imagine: A Digital Revolution in Space Systems Production

Virtual Pathfinding with 3D Simulation Technology
通过使用称为人类沉浸式实验室(CHIL)的3D探索模拟技术,太空系统公司可以识别出我们产品整个生命周期的负担能力和卓越运营的领域。CHIL是一个先进的虚拟现实和模拟实验室,在建筑太空系统中,包括卫星,勘探航天器,发射车和导弹防御系统,为建筑太空系统提供了更明智,更便宜,更低的风险机会。该设施可以在实物创建之前进行虚拟创建,以改善我们的产品和相关流程的负担能力。Space Systems Company正在整个业务计划中应用这项创新技术来改善生产流程。

“Virtual pathfinding and 3D printing are just two of the innovations we are implementing at Space Systems Company to digitalize the production process,” said Little. “From conceptualization to realization, we continue to look for new opportunities to improve the production cycle with advanced technology. In this industry, we have to continuously lean forward to new technologies to stay affordable, efficient and reliable for our customers.”

Following the presentation, the visitors saw the innovation first hand on a tour of the Space Systems Company facility in Littleton, Colo., including the CHIL, the Final Assembly Building, and the Space Operations Simulation Center.

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