该项目的预算为2921550欧元,由欧盟委员会(European Commission)的第7个研究框架计划(Framework Program for Research)拨款。该项目将由英国的Element Hitchin与来自8个不同国家的12名合作伙伴合作。该联盟将致力于开发性能显著提高的热障涂层部件或组件,以及提供优化工艺参数的软件产品。研究将集中在长期稳定性,在极端恶劣的操作条件下的阻力和最高应用温度。
"Barcode“计划旨在使用创新的结构分析和流体仿真软件,包括辐射,燃烧,传热,流体 - 结构相互作用和共轭传热模型,用于开发用于操作性能的详细模型和散发现象和失败的预测。
Rick Sluiters, Element’s VP of Europe Operations, says: “Element Hitchin has developed a reputation as one of the leading materials testing laboratories in Europe, and involvement in this international endeavour is further evidence of its position at the leading edge of materials research, development and qualification. We are confident that this project will produce exciting developments in the production, testing methodology and analysis of advanced materials for use in the power generation market, knowledge that will be spread across Element’s global platform of laboratories and benefit the entire company.”