IBC高级合金Corp. (“IBC” or the “Company”) reports that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) has completed its initial review and delivered a fuel performance report validating the feasibility of IBC’s patented beryllium oxide (“BeO”) nuclear fuel technology combined with Ceramic Tubular Products, LLC (“CTP”) silicon carbide cladding.
正如2012年6月报道的那样,IBC与MIT签订了一项赞助的研究协议,以分析Beo增强燃料的性能以及添加硅碳化硅(“ SIC)甲壳的燃料的性能。
IBC与CTP和MIT的合作伙伴关系,涉及基于SIC的陶瓷复合覆层覆盖式IBC IBC正在进行的核燃料研发,并在Purdue和Texas A&M大学进行。燃料性能报告验证了燃料技术的特性,并进一步证明了IBC的BEO增强燃料以及CTP的SIC覆层如何导致燃油工作温度降低并改善燃油工作特性,从而导致更安全,更安全的耐用燃料。
IBC核燃料副总裁吉姆·马龙(Jim Malone)表示:“通过MIT燃料绩效报告的结论,我们对增强的Beo燃料与SIC覆层技术的有益特征和能力的结论感到非常鼓舞。”“ IBC正在与Purdue,Texas A&M,CTP和其他行业参与者勤奋合作,在测试反应堆中采取全面辐照试验的下一步,以进一步理解和评估Beo增强燃料的优势,这是下一代意外事故的可容忍燃料。透明
MIT东京电力公司(“ TEPCO”)核工程教授Mujid Kazimi博士领导了MIT的IBC赞助研究。Kazimi博士还是MIT机械工程学教授,也是高级核能系统中心(“拐杖”)的主任。Kazimi博士是燃料性能,安全性和功率密度的专家,拥有大量的同行评审出版物以及众多的学术奖项和核工业荣誉。除了他的麻省理工学院责任外,Kazimi博士还是美国能源部核能咨询委员会的成员。
As previously reported, IBC has extended its research agreements with Purdue and Texas A&M, to advance its BeO nuclear fuels R&D until December 2013. IBC’s nuclear fuel program is focused on developing an accident tolerant high thermal conductivity BeO nuclear fuel for both current and future nuclear power reactors that is more efficient and safer than existing nuclear fuels. The project’s objective is to commercialize the intellectual property and to position IBC as an essential part of the nuclear industry’s supply chain.