New Spark Emission Spectrometer To Support Foundries And Metal Producers

牛津乐器’new spark emission spectrometer FOUNDRY-MASTER Xline supports foundries and metal producers in determining metal samples fast and accurately while ensuring top performance at outstanding value.

牛津仪器(Oxford Instruments)推出了新的高性能,易于处理和准确的光谱仪 - 专门设计用于满足金属和钢市场需求的Foundry-Master Xline。它的价格具有竞争力,并提供出色的性能和实用功能,通常只有高级课程。

Foundry-Master Xline用于金属样品的定量元素分析,并设计为台式单元。高分辨率多CCD光学元件配备了真空室,以覆盖165 nm至780 nm的完整波长范围,从而精确地检测了FE和其他矩阵中所有相关元素。

The unique Jet-Stream-Technology within the sample stand, which is open on three sides, offers the ability to measure almost any size or shape of sample, particularly large or irregular sample geometries. Additionally, the sample does not need to completely seal the spark stand opening. Tubes, bars and even wires can be analysed directly, using only one universal adapter. This major operational advantage strongly reduces the sample preparation time. The newly developed fully digital source (spark generator) is controlled via the external Windows® PC and offers ideal excitation parameters. Argon consumption is reduced to a minimum, saving a considerable amount of operating expenses. The cleaning process is fast and instrument recovery efficient due to pre-aligned parts and quick connectors. The rugged and approved vacuum technology is essentially maintenance-free and has significantly lower operating costs than alternative inert gas purged systems.

Foundry-Master Xline是用于金属样品定量元素分析的可靠入门级实验室光谱仪。新仪器设计用于固定用作台式单元。

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  • MLA

    牛津乐器。"New Spark Emission Spectrometer To Support Foundries And Metal Producers".Azom。2023年3月10日。

  • 芝加哥

    牛津乐器。"New Spark Emission Spectrometer To Support Foundries And Metal Producers". AZoM. // (accessed March 10, 2023).

  • 哈佛大学

    牛津乐器。2019。New Spark Emission Spectrometer To Support Foundries And Metal Producers。Azom,2023年3月10日,//。



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