杰克Huttner,生物燃料消化-recognized expert on the issues of biofuels/chemicals/products will present and Kate Lewis, Deputy Manager of USDA’s BioPreferred Program, will moderate this informative lead-in to the Biopolymers Symposium 2013. The live webinar will take place Friday, May 3, at 10 a.m. EST.
网络研讨会是一个前列前2013年生物高聚物250多名与会者还将听取生物塑料开发商、制造商和终端用户的意见,其中包括Algix;BIOFASE、级联工程;Cereplast公司;生态;欧洲生物塑料;首先绿色合作伙伴;Green Dot Holdings LLC;IBM;金佰利;国家餐馆协会; Natureworks, Procter & Gamble; Seattle Mariners/Safeco Field; Volvo Group Trucks Technology and 30+ additional speakers. The conference will close with a presentation by the winner of the first annual Innovation in Bioplastics Award to be awarded by The SPI Bioplastics Council (BC), a special interest group of SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association.
Smithers Rapra是橡胶、塑料、聚合物和复合材料测试、咨询和信息产品和活动的全球领导者,重点关注轮胎、工业、运输、消费和医疗行业。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.smithersrapra.com..