CRAIC技术介绍Artemis Raman

CRAIC Technologies是光学微分析领域的领先创新者。Craic Technologies很荣幸地引入了拉曼微光镜的新最先进的:Craic Artemis™拉曼微光谱计。

CRAIC ARTEMIS™设计为添加到许多不同类型的光学显微镜中,具有很高的灵敏度,高分辨率,宽光谱范围和快速采样时间。这种最先进的仪器使科学家和工程师能够从大型样品(例如半导体)的显微样品或显微镜采样区域测量拉曼光谱。CRAIC ARTEMIS™也可以添加到CRAIC技术中,以将拉曼添加到紫外可见的-NIR吸光度,反射率和荧光微光谱和成像中。CRAIC HELIOS™的尖端技术意味着,研究人员和工程师现在可以使用大量功能。随着CRAIC ARTEMIS™拉曼光谱仪的引入,Craic Technologies很荣幸为您提供更强大的样品微型分析工具。

“CRAIC Technologies has been an innovator in the field of UV-visible-NIR microanalysis since its founding. We have helped to advance the field of microscale analysis with innovative instrumentation, software, research and teaching. We have seen the need for Raman microspectroscopy in addition to our current capabilities of UV-visible-NIR and luminescence microspectroscopy. Therefore, we created the CRAIC Artemis™ Raman microspectrometer to add to our current instruments” states Dr. Paul Martin, President of CRAIC Technologies. “By incorporating Raman spectroscopy with our UV-visible microspectrophotometers, the customer no longer has purchase a separate instrument, nor move the sample between instruments and acquire the data separately. You can simply analyze the same microscopic area of the sample under the same conditions without additional sample preparation or instrument alignment. Laboratory efficiency and sample analysis throughput can therefore be dramatically increased.”

CRAIC ARTEMIS™拉曼光谱仪是一个自给自足的单元,具有最新的长期激光技术,是显微镜的先进光学接口,一种真正独特的拉曼光谱仪以及用于仪器控制和数据分析的高级软件。不同的单元设计用于与不同的波长激光器一起使用,所有单元都具有极高的灵敏度,高分辨率,宽光谱范围和快速扫描时间。这个想法是拥有一个强大的,易于使用的拉曼微光谱计,以增强光谱效果。这些坚固的,独立的单元被设计为与光学显微镜或CRAIC Technologies微谱仪一起使用。Craic Artemis™具有高灵敏度,高光谱分辨率,广泛的频谱范围,耐用的设计,易用性和CRAIC Technologies的支持,不仅仅是拉曼微光谱计...这是Raman的未来光谱法。

For more information on the CRAIC Artemis™ Raman microspectrometer and Raman microspectroscopy, visit

关于CRAIC技术:CRAIC Technologies,Inc。是全球技术领导者,重点介绍了紫外线,可见和近红外区域的显微镜和显微光谱的创新。Craic Technologies通过倾听我们的客户并实施将运营卓越和技术专业知识整合的解决方案来创建最佳的客户支持解决方案。CRAIC Technologies为法医科学,生物技术,半导体,地质,纳米技术和材料科学市场提供了答案,他们需要质量,准确亚博老虎机网登录性,精度,速度,速度和最佳客户支持。亚博网站下载


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    CRAIC技术。“ Craic Technologies介绍了Artemis Raman”。AZoM。10 March 2023. .

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    CRAIC技术。2019.CRAIC技术介绍Artemis Raman。Azom,2023年3月10日,。

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