This live, 60 minute webinar, co-sponsored with the Fashion Jewelry and Accessories Trade Association (FJATA ) will provide an overview of CPSIA, Prop. 65 requirements, ASTM Children's Standards, ASTM Adult's Standards, Green Chemistry compliance issues, and an introduction to the theory and practice of how XRF supports QA/QC functions.
This webinar will highlight the benefits of using XRF as a screening tool for supply chain quality control, and discusses managing risks of using XRF as a screening tool. It will discuss:
- Compliance issues (CPSIA and Prop 65)
- ASTM儿童和成人标准
- Green chemistry compliance issues
- Basic theory and use of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) as a screening tool
Recently, there has been a substantial increase in enforcement in regulatory compliance, with a focus on consumer products, and the fashion jewelry industry as one of the main targets. We will present the regulation updates and show how X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) technology can help you manage your regulation risk while lowering your testing costs.
Brent Cleaveland
布伦特(Brent)是FJATA执行董事,为协会带来了40年的珠宝行业经验。他曾担任时尚和贵金属公司的高级管理职位。他的职业生涯是通过创立珠宝制造商Brevonne Creations Inc.创立的,后来又过渡到服装珠宝,担任Alexis Ashley的总裁Alexis Ashley,Alexis Ashley是Weingeroff Enterprises Inc.的部门。Brent也曾担任:Jody Coyote Inc.的首席执行官;Nordic Group LLC总裁兼首席执行官;以及金链制造商Dolath Inc.的首席运营官。
希拉·米拉(Sheila Millar)
Sheila joined Keller and Heckman in 1980. Ms. Millar works with clients to navigate the array of federal and state requirements related to business regulation. Ms. Millar counsels clients on risk management and product safety strategies, compliance with CPSC requirements, including new CPSIA requirements, green chemistry and other product safety laws. She chairs the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Marketing and Advertising Commission Working Group on Sustainability.
梅根·罗波洛(Megan Roppolo)
梅根(Megan)是一名科学家OlympusNDT, Analytical Instruments Division, and focuses on XRF applications for jewelry and precious metals. She has a Ph.D. in Chemistry and extensive experience in a wide range of analytical laboratory techniques.
Jiaxin Chen
Jiaxin is the Business Development Manager for Consumer Products/RoHS Regulations in the Analytical Instruments Division, atOlympusNDT。Jiaxin has extensive knowledge in regulatory compliance and has successfully hosted similar events.