

Air Products和Arabian Power and Water Development(ACWA Holding)今天宣布,他们已签署了一项合资协议,以成立一家新公司ACWA AIR PRODUCTS ARABIA,该公司将位于沙特阿拉伯Al-Khobar City。


Mohammed A. Abunayyan, ACWA Holding Chairman said: "Partnering with Air Products which is one of the world’s largest owners and developers of industrial gases, is a strategic move for ACWA Holding to broaden its economic contribution as a major private sector developer for the Kingdom and GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council). Furthermore, ACWA Holding’s track record as a leading regional owner and developer of facilities in power generation, water desalination/treatment, sewage water treatment, district cooling and solar/waste management will enable the new joint venture to provide effective and competitive quality industrial gas facilities to serve the region’s hydrocarbon and industrial markets."

Howard Castle-Smith, Air Products’ regional vice president-Tonnage Gases Europe and Middle East said: “Our new venture with ACWA Holding complements Air Products’ existing presence in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the GCC, providing a strong platform to further grow our business there by partnering with prime Saudi industrial investors and developers, such as ACWA Holding.”

“By leveraging our mutual capabilities – Air Products’ knowledge and proven track record in large industrial gas plants and ACWA Holding’s strong infrastructure position - we will be able to pursue large-scale industrial gas opportunities within the Kingdom and provide customers with secure quality, manufacture and distribution,” Castle-Smith said.

新公司ACWA AIR PRODUCT ARABIA ARABIA,补充了Air Products在Abdullah Hashim工业气体和设备有限公司(AHG)的25%股份,该公司是位于沙特阿拉伯王国的私人拥有的Abdullah Hashim Gapp亚博体育roup的公司。Air Products已为中东的客户提供服务已有50多年了,并且已经经营着氦气和气缸气体填充和配电设施,以及Jebel Ali自由区的特种气体中心。Air Products在多哈,卡塔尔和迪拜设有办事处,并与该地区的石化,气化和炼油行业紧密合作。它在整个中东建造了,拥有和操作的空气分离单元(ASU)和氢生产工厂。




  • APA

    Air Products plc。(2019年2月9日)。Air Products进入合资企业,在沙特阿拉伯成立新公司。azom。于2022年8月8日从//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=34510检索。

  • MLA

    Air Products plc。“空气产品进入合资企业,在沙特阿拉伯成立新公司”。azom。2022年8月8日。

  • 芝加哥

    Air Products plc。“空气产品进入合资企业,在沙特阿拉伯成立新公司”。azom。//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=34510。(2022年8月8日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Air Products plc。2019。空气产品进入合资企业,在沙特阿拉伯成立新公司。Azom,2022年8月8日,//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=34510。


