米歇尔曼(Michelman)将于2012年10月1日至4日在佐治亚州世界国会中心(Georgia World Cons Center)举行,在2012年超级科尔博览会上展出。
特色涂料将包括业内一些最受信任的品牌 -Michem®外套,,,,nomar®,,,,HydraBan®,,,,Softak®,,,,Vaporcoat®,,,,Thermagloss®和ColorCoat™。Most brands are in full compliance with FBA recyclability protocol, are designed specifically for the application methodology, meet food contact requirements and are delivered with the quality and consistency you expect from Michelman.
米歇尔曼(Michelman)是水基壁垒和功能涂料的全球开发商灵活的胶片包装,,,,纸板和波纹纸箱; and water-based surface modifiers, additives and polymers for许多行业包括木护理,工业涂料,墨水,,,,纤维,复合材料, 和建筑产品。
米歇尔曼为之服务跨国和区域客户with production facilities in the U.S., Europe and Singapore, and a worldwide network of highly trained field technical support personnel.