俄亥俄州的安全和卫生部俄亥俄州工人赔偿局以其在安全性能方面的卓越表现而向沃尔布里奇(Walbridge)致敬,这是AK Tube的设施。作为西北俄亥俄州安全委员会联合安全意识计划的一部分,该设施已获得荣誉。
根据AK Steel的首席运营官兼总裁James L. Wainscott的说法,该公司很高兴因其在安全方面的出色表现而受到尊重,并为Wallbridge工厂的所有工人加油助威。
The “100% Award for Safety” was given to AK Tube’s Walbridge facility for the fourth time, as there were no illness and lost-time injuries during the entire 2011. This plant won a "Special Award for Safety" for the third time, as it was operating for 808,581 h with no lost-time injury from 17 March, 2009 to 31 December, 2011.
The Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), who serves metal forming and fabricating industry, also recognized AK Steel’s Walbridge facility with the "Safety Award of Merit" in 2012. The safety performance of AK Tube’s Walbridge plant was 9.5 times better when compared to the safety performance of rolled steel shape manufacturing industry.
AK Steel生产电气和不锈钢,以及用于汽车,制造和基础设施,电力发电和建筑以及分销市场的扁平碳。