布鲁克光学Launches Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope

Bruker Corporationreports the successful launch of the fully automated stand-alone FTIR microscope LUMOS.

The LUMOS is designed to combine best performance for visible inspection and infrared spectral analysis with highest user comfort. Due to the motorization and networking of all moveable components inside the LUMOS, the system provides a high degree of automation. The intuitive software of the LUMOS guides the operator step-by-step through the process of data acquisition. At each step the user interface only provides these functions appropriate to proceed.

Bruker fully automated stand-alone FTIR microscope LUMOS

A major innovation is certainly the motorization of the ATR crystal in the objective. Due to this feature all IR measurements, even those in ATR mode, are performed fully automated with the LUMOS. The LUMOS includes a 8x-objective which is used for measurements in transmission, reflection and ATR. In transmission and reflection the ATR crystal is inserted into the objective. For data acquisition in ATR the crystal is positioned into the IR focus by an encoded piezo drive. An integrated pressure control ensures the constancy of the pressure applied from the crystal to the sample which is essential for mapping and imaging experiments. Three different pressure steps can be software-selected in order to achieve highest performance for all types of samples ranging from very soft to very hard.

Although the LUMOS is designed to be operated by non-experts for routine applications, its exceptional sensitivity makes it also suitable for highly demanding applications.

Lumos补充了Bruker现有的FTIR错误术产品线,由Hyperion系列组成,该系列提供了研发中高级应用所需的一切。Hyperion 2000以最高的空间分辨率提供了FTIR-微观镜检查中无与伦比的灵敏度,而Hyperion 3000是使用现代焦平面阵列技术进行FTIR成像的指导仪器。

Bruker Optics副总裁Matthias Boese博士评论说:“ Lumos的较高用户舒适度将是在工业质量控制和失败分析中进一步传播FTIR显微镜的关键功能。使用Lumos Bruker提供无与伦比的产品组合。分子光谱显微镜。我们非常感谢许多客户对这种出色产品的概念的富有成果。”


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    布鲁克光学。(2021, March 04). Bruker Optics Launches Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope. AZoM. Retrieved on January 26, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=32737.

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    布鲁克光学。"Bruker Optics Launches Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope".AZoM。26 January 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    布鲁克光学。"Bruker Optics Launches Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope". AZoM. //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=32737. (accessed January 26, 2023).

  • 哈佛大学

    布鲁克光学。2021。布鲁克光学Launches Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope。Azom,2023年1月26日,https://www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=32737。

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