Over 50 years of experience in thermogravimetric analysis atNetzsch站在他们的最新发展的背后:TG 209 F1天秤座热脑。该仪器可以比以往任何时候都更快,更准确地进行分析,并在延长的温度范围内进行。
与其他热射手相反,在测量之前,不需要使用TG 209 F1天秤座进行耗时的基线确定。天秤座的唯一BEFLAT功能会自动补偿影响测量的任何外部因素。这可以将工作时间缩短多达50%,留出更多的时间用于进一步的测量或其他实验室任务。
TG 209 F1天秤座非常适合聚合物分析。计算出的DTA信号C-DTA得出有关相变的有价值的信息。这些附加信息允许更轻松,更精确地识别和表征未知的样本。
The vacuum-tight design of the TG 209 F1 Libra not only allows for the creation of a pure inert atmosphere via evacuating and filling, but also for the execution of measurements under vacuum conditions. The mass loss steps from the evaporation of the plasticizer and the decomposition of the polymer can be clearly separated. Therefore it becomes possible to characterize the plasticizer content precisely.