Oct 20 2011
新的低排放杜邦Delrin 300TE乙酰树脂(POM)是杜邦性能聚合物(Dupont)的第一个撞击改造的POM,可满足汽车行业在车辆室内使用塑料的要求要求。这扩展了在车辆中Delrin actal树脂的应用范围,以在室内装饰中包括塑料组件,其中需要高阻力冲击负载。
杜邦汽车内部材料开发经理Hans-Hermann Kirner表示:“鉴于消费者对质量的需求不断增长,汽车行业为挥发性有机化合物(VOC)排放的限制极低。”“由著名的德国埃顿独立弗雷斯尼乌斯研究所(Fresenius Institute领先的德国OEM,这意味着新材料在该领域的VOC排放方面符合世界上最严格的要求。”
Delrin 300Te融合了Delrin 100T(MFI = 2)之间的熔体流量指数(MFI190/2,16)为6 g/10min,它的差距将高粘度与非常高的冲击力结合在一起,并且中等粘度,Stiffer Delrin 500T 500T 500T 500T(MFI = 12)。
Delrin 300TE比Delrin 300PE更具影响力,Delrin 300PE先前推出的低排放等级也适用于汽车内部。它在23°C的18 kJ/m²(Delrin 300pe:11 kJ/m²)下达到了缺口冲击强度。在-30°C时,新300TE等级的缺口冲击强度仍然高达10 kJ/m²(300pe:8 kJ/m²)。
As with all members of the acetal resin family from DuPont, new Delrin 300TE also combines high strength, hardness and stiffness over a broad temperature range with high abrasion resistance and a low coefficient of friction, a high heat deflection temperature, good electrical and dielectric properties and high dimensional stability.
Kirner补充说:“由于其高熔体流动,薄壁的较薄的部分具有长流路 - 例如,头枕中使用的支柱 - 是Delrin 300te开发的主要领域。总的来说,所有POM等级均适用于低噪声和低摩擦控制和驱动系统。”用于开发精致的小零件的额外的低排放等级。
DuPont offers more than 100 materials and product families for the global automotive industry. Through its global application development network, DuPont Automotive is committed to collaborating with customers throughout the value chain to develop new products, materials, components and systems that help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and protect people and the environment. For more information, visitautomotive.dupont.com。
DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering to the global marketplace in the form of innovative products, materials, and services since 1802. The company believes that by collaborating with customers, governments, NGOs, and thought leaders we can help find solutions to such global challenges as providing enough healthy food for people everywhere, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and protecting life and the environment.