疲劳测试是机器和车辆制造中质量保证的重要元素。为了进一步增强其在该领域的教学,HS ULM(乌尔姆应用科学大学,德国)在研究项目的一部分中开发了一个疲劳测试架,用于悬架叉子,并在亚博老虎机网登录Zwickin the form of equipment and expertise.
The test stand was also designed by the university and comprises a four-column load frame. Suspension forks are subjected to cyclic loads via a servo-hydraulic testing actuator attached to the lower mounting-plate. System control is by ControlCube - 'the world's smallest controller' - with Cubus testing software. A particular feature of this combination is ease of operation, allowing students to quickly become familiar with fatigue testing and carry out tests unsupervised after only a short time. As an added bonus, the system's 4kHz control frequency, 19-bit-resolution data-logging and capacity for expansion to 32 control channels enable it to be used for more complex applications whenever required.
来自现场测试的数据是通过CUBUS软件导入的,用于执行逼真的仿真测试。“使用Zwick迭代软件,我们可以导入并模拟任何给定的路线概况,并在实际条件下生成有关磨损和负荷的发现,” Dipl说。ing。HS Ulm的测试实验室的Daniel Stiehle。ControlCube还用于从应用于叉式安装的应变计中导入数据,提供有关叉子上本地负载的详细信息。