Shimadzu Scientific Instrumentsnow offers a Virtual Advisor for its TOC-L analyzers. Accessible online, the TOC-L Virtual Advisor provides users with 24-hour technical and maintenance support free of charge.
TOC-L customers can create and store their system configurations and then use the TOC-L Virtual Advisor to find maintenance procedures designed specifically for their TOC system. Users will receive faster, enhanced responses to tech support questions due to the Virtual Advisor's improved system configuration recording functionality.
The TOC-L Virtual Advisor includes:
- Animated flow diagrams;
- Daily maintenance procedures;
- Animated periodic maintenance procedures; and
- 与TOC相关的词汇表和材料安全数据表。
To access the TOC-L Virtual Advisor, visit。
关于Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments(SSI)是总部位于日本京都的Shimadzu Corp.的美国子公司。Shimadzu成立于1875年,是一家耗资20亿美元的跨国公司,拥有三个主要部门:医疗诊断,航空/工业和分析工具。分析工具部是世界上最大的分析仪器和环境监测设备制造商之一。app亚博体育1975年,SSI公司总部在马里兰州哥伦比亚市成立,为北部,中部和南美部分地区的实验室提供了分析解决方案。在美国,SSI拥有一个由50多个提供本地和区域销售,服务和技术支持的网络。