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Freeman Powder Rheometer Crucial to Development of Pharmaceutical Drug Products


The FT4 is being used in a number of areas, one of which is the development of models that support the optimisation of powder blending, a critically important industrial operation. A notable success has been achieved with models that allow the successful correlation of powder blend characteristics with the properties of the constituents.


RCPE博士Simon Fraser博士对小组使用FT4的使用时说:“可重复性是我们为这项工作选择粉末测试工具的主要因素。FT4提供了极高的可重复性,比替代技术可实现的更高的可重复性。和仪器,为我们提供了最清洁的建模数据集。此外,我们从一开始就从事并鼓励了这项研究的Freeman Technology获得了众多知识的支持。”

Using a Design of Experiments (DoE) approach and multivariate data analysis (MVDA), the research team has developed reliable models for the prediction of a number of different blend properties. NIR spectroscopy has been used to monitor the efficiency of blending in further trials conducted to link off-line tests on constituents and well-defined powder blends with the actual industrial powder blending process. This work continues with more experiments planned.


The FT4 is being used in a number of areas, one of which is the development of models that support the optimisation of powder blending, a critically important industrial operation. A notable success has been achieved with models that allow the successful correlation of powder blend characteristics with the properties of the constituents.

RCPE博士Simon Fraser博士对小组使用FT4的使用时说:“可重复性是我们为这项工作选择粉末测试工具的主要因素。FT4提供了极高的可重复性,比替代技术可实现的更高的可重复性。和仪器,为我们提供了最清洁的建模数据集。此外,我们从一开始就从事并鼓励了这项研究的Freeman Technology获得了众多知识的支持。”

Using a Design of Experiments (DoE) approach and multivariate data analysis (MVDA), the research team has developed reliable models for the prediction of a number of different blend properties. NIR spectroscopy has been used to monitor the efficiency of blending in further trials conducted to link off-line tests on constituents and well-defined powder blends with the actual industrial powder blending process. This work continues with more experiments planned.




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    弗里曼技术。2019。Freeman Powder Rheometer Crucial to Development of Pharmaceutical Drug Products。AZoM, viewed 10 March 2023, //



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