Following a number of convincing trials over the past year, SDTech, a company specialising in the micronisation and analysis of powders, has opted to routinely use a dedicated Insitec Voyager system for on-line particle size analysis. This marks a new phase in the company's collaboration withMalvern Panalytical, whose range of Insitec laser diffraction systems provides continuous process monitoring solutions across many different manufacturing industries.
Insitec Voyager是一种易于连接的移动粒度分析仪,能够跟踪甚至快速变化的过程。SDTech已成功使用它来优化合同磨削应用程序的条件并开发自定义的微观化解决方案。永久使用Insitec Voyager将加速这项工作,并允许SDTECH提供有关连续粒径测量的使用和好处的培训。
SDTECH的首席执行官对公司的体验Jalil Benabdillah博士发表评论说:“尽管我们已经使用了Malvern Alvernationalticaltic粒度分析仪在一段时间以来,但在线测量为我们的工作带来了新的维度。它使我们可以实际观察到。时间变量如何影响粒径,使快速移动到最佳工作点变得更加容易。对于我们的可行性研究,这减少了所需的测试材料的量。现在,我们通常需要少于一或两公斤,而在此之前,它会更大通常在50至100公斤之间。这对我们的客户来说是一个重大好处,尤其是在开发的早期阶段,材料通常很少或高价值材料时。”亚博网站下载
The introduction of new training in the use of on-line particle size measurement for process control and optimisation is a welcome innovation for customers of both SDTech and Malvern Panalytical. Complementing Malvern Panalytical's existing consultancy service, which is an authoritative tailored package that combines dedicated expertise with an in situ Voyager trial, the SDTech training will offer those interested in on-line particle sizing an alternative introduction to the technology. The new training program demonstrates what has been achieved using real-time measurement and the wide applicability of the Insitec solution.
Insitec Voyager是一种移动激光衍射粒径分析仪,用于含有尺寸范围为0.1至1000微米的颗粒的干燥流。yabo214它很容易将其附加到任何过程线上,并具有适当的敲击和每秒最多四个完整的粒径分布的测量,从而为自动过程控制提供了理想的数据流。