
Alcoa(NYSE:AA) announced today that it is among 60 corporations pilot testing a draft protocol for accounting and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across a product's life cycle. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative is being launched by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

WRI and WBCSD have developed two new GHG Protocol standards, the Product Life Cycle Accounting and Report Standard and the Scope 3 (Corporate Value Chain) Accounting and Reporting Standard. Alcoa will test the Product Standard by measuring the climate change impact of its aluminum forged wheels.

"We are pleased to participate in the evaluation of this new standard and anticipate the results will allow us to better calculate and communicate the impacts of our products on climate change. We feel the forged wheel would be an excellent study, as it is a product which provides sustainability benefits by reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through its usage," said Tim Myers, President, Alcoa Wheel and Transportation Products.



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    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。(2019年2月10日)。铝业参与产品生命周期排放测试方案。Azom。于2021年8月4日从//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid = 20823检索。

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    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。"Alcoa to Participate in Product Life Cycle Emissions testing Protocol".AZoM。2021年8月4日。

  • 芝加哥

    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。"Alcoa to Participate in Product Life Cycle Emissions testing Protocol". AZoM. //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=20823. (accessed August 04, 2021).

  • 哈佛大学

    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。2019.铝业参加产品生命周期排放测试方案。Azom,2021年8月4日,//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid = 20823。

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