Thermo Fisher Launch New Research-Grade Dual-Monochromator Scanning Fluorescence Spectrometer

Thermo Fisher科学Inc.,世界服务科学领域的领导者今天推出了Thermo Scien亚博老虎机网登录tific Lumina,这是一种新的研究级双单色扫描荧光光谱仪,可在荧光测量方面具有新的清晰度。

Lumina专为苛刻的研究应用和常规实验室分析而设计,可提供0.5 nm的光谱带宽,高灵敏度和快速扫描速度,为快速,准确的测定开发,量化和样本分析在生命科学中提供行业领先的性能,QA/QCC。亚博老虎机网登录,材亚博网站下载料科学,亚博老虎机网登录药物,环境,光化学和发光实验室。

Thermo Fisher will showcase the state-of-the-art fluorescence spectrometer within Thermo Scientific booth 326 at the Biophysical Society 54th Annual Meeting, being held February 20-24 in San Francisco.

Lumina具有提供0.5 nm光谱带宽的能力,与相同价格范围内的竞争系统相比,Lumina提供了卓越的分辨能力,使分析师能够发现有关其样品的最详细信息,包括紧密定位的样本功能,并更好地歧视样本功能光谱中的峰之间。此外,Lumina的提高灵敏度提供了下部检测,更少的噪声和更一致的基线测量的优势。

“随着Thermo Scientific Lumina的推出,我们的客户现在可以实现激发和发射光谱的高级光谱分辨率,”紫外可见和荧光产品的Thermo Fisher Scientific产品经理Michael Allen说。“该仪器的高分辨率和提高灵敏度的结合为荧光光谱学提供了新的清晰度,帮助研究人员更深入地研究了他们的样品并解锁了新信息。”

The powerful xenon lamp in the Lumina, combined with optimized monochromators, allows for the detection of sample concentrations below parts-per-billion levels for compounds such as harmful heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and more. A fast, accurate and reliable monochromator drive mechanism enables slewing at 20,000 nm/min and wavelength scanning at speeds of up to 6,000 nm/min. This reduces the exposure of photosensitive samples during synchronous and 3D scanning experiments. The instrument's photomultiplier detector offers extended measurement of the near-infrared wavelength (190 nm to 900 nm), which facilitates cutting-edge research in biochemistry and photosynthesis applications.

借助大量样品室和用于温度控制,极化和固体样品测量的广泛配件,可以扩展Lumina,以便在各种应用中使用。该仪器使用Thermo Scientific发光软件进行完整的仪器和配件控制以及有效的数据收集,分析和报告。


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    Thermo Fisher科学。"Thermo Fisher Launch New Research-Grade Dual-Monochromator Scanning Fluorescence Spectrometer".AZoM。2022年8月8日。

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    Thermo Fisher科学。2019。Thermo Fisher Launch New Research-Grade Dual-Monochromator Scanning Fluorescence Spectrometer。Azom,2022年8月8日,// = 20777。


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