Oxford Instruments Celebrates 50th Anniversary by Shipping 50th Cryofree Dilution Refrigerator

In 2009,Oxford Instrumentsnot only celebrated 50 years of continuous commitment to science and innovation but also shipped its 50th Cryofree dilution refrigerator. This further demonstrates our position as the market leader of Ultra-Low-Temperature equipment.

冰冷的稀释冰箱使您可以冷却样品至少低于10 mk的温度,而无需液态氦气。这项新技术的广泛开发具有高性能,可适应苛刻的超低温度应用,取得了巨大的成功。我们收到了60多个系统的订单,客户的反馈非常积极。

中国体育大学物理科学与技术学院中国工程学院,中国工程学院的成员Gao Jie教授评论说:“下达订单后四个月,我们提供了我们的冷冻无稀释冰箱。亚博老虎机网登录安装运行非常顺利,插入物的基本温度和冷却能力超过了合同规格。我们对中国牛津仪器部和系统性能得到的支持水平感到高兴。我们发现机械和电气是机械和电气的噪声水平非常低。我们能够在PA电流水平上执行高度​​敏感的测量,而无需轻易感知的无冰冷稀释冰箱的干扰。”

Cryofree dilution refrigerators can now be integrated with Cryofree magnet systems with magnetic field (up to 15 T) all within the same cryostat. Having an integrated system means the system can be run from one single pulse tube cooler saving on running and maintenance costs and limiting the noise.

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