
The Hot Springs Intermediate School, located in Hot Springs, Arkansas, may appear to be an everyday, two-story school. But in taking a closer look at the aluminum, glass and brick building it is apparent that there is much more to the building than meets the eye.

Sustainability was a key factor in creating the new school. It was important that the Intermediate School incorporate solutions that help provide a healthy, productive learning environment, such as increased daylighting and improved energy efficiency. To help achieve natural lighting, products from Alcoa'sKawneerarchitectural aluminum products business were selected to help increase the durability, sustainability and energy efficiency of the school. The new school, now occupied by approximately 700 students, is spacious and features an open floor plan with natural light throughout.


  • The School District had strict energy requirements; therefore energy efficiency was essential to the project.
  • Many of the classrooms in the new school faced west, which was not ideal for energy efficiency or daylighting.
  • 为了满足不断增长的学生团体的需求,新设施需要耐用并能够处理繁忙的交通。


  • To meet the energy and lighting needs of the school while keeping within the project's budget and design guidelines, a combination of Kawneer's 1600 SunShade and custom sunshades were used to help control glare and maximize natural light during the school day.
  • 为了获得其他热和性能选项,选择了Kawneer的Versatile Trifab VG 451T店面框架。该建筑还结合了地理热加热系统和一个绝缘的建筑信封。
  • 此外,将额外的绝缘材料集成到屋顶中以超过能量代码。入口前庭还带有倾斜的玻璃,可以增加自然光进入建筑物。

For durability, Kawneer 350 Medium Stile Entrances were used. This entrance package, composed of a door, door frame and hardware, is designed specifically for high traffic areas such as school entrances, and makes a good, aesthetic impression, while simultaneously withstanding the rigors of constant use. To provide heightened security, Kawneer's Paneline Exit Devices, which offer total access control, were installed on the entrances to the facility.


学区为新设施选择的地点与旧建筑物相邻,规模相当小。为了补偿小型建筑工地,当地建筑公司道格拉斯·A·A·阿诺德(Douglas A.作为其科学课程的一部分,将其纳入设计中的温室,具有可提供光滑外观的天窗,并有助于最大程度地减少热量损失和冷凝水。亚博老虎机网登录建筑物的绿色特征和现代教学设施的结合,其中包括独立的体育大楼和礼堂,以及精心设计的艺术机翼,帮助使温泉中级学校最先进。


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    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。(2019年2月10日)。Kawneer建筑铝制产品为温泉学校选择为可持续发展。azom。于2023年2月4日从//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=19617检索。

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    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。“ Kawneer建筑铝制产品为温泉学校选择为可持续发展”。AZoM。04 February 2023. .

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    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。“ Kawneer建筑铝制产品为温泉学校选择为可持续发展”。azom。//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=19617。(2023年2月4日访问)。

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    美国铝业 - 美国铝公司。2019.Kawneer建筑铝制产品为温泉学校选择可持续发展。AZoM, viewed 04 February 2023, //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=19617.

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