
庆祝的杰出成就的领导人在材料科学与工程领域的董事会亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录ASM国际(材料信息亚博网站下载社会)已任命其2009年颁奖接受者。颁奖将于周二在社会的年度颁奖典礼,10月27日在匹兹堡亚博网站下载材料科学亚博老虎机网登录与技术2009 (MS&T ' 09)

荣誉会员:教授马丁·e·GlicksmanFASM, 21世纪材料科学与工程和佛罗里亚博网站下载达教授学亚博老虎机网登录者,佛罗里达大学,将获得荣誉会员”推进材料科学与工程的基本知识,从而更深的了解和更准确的预测铸造合金结构,和多晶网络的进化。”Awarded since 1919, Honorary Membership recognizes distinguished service to materials science and engineering, ASM International, and progress to mankind.

金牌发展研究:w . James McNerney Jr .)董事长,总裁兼首席执行官,波音公司将获得今年的奖“行政领导在转型发展的高技术材料强调顾客导向和更快的上市时间,使新一代的飞机引擎,飞机,和客户的产品。”亚博网站下载The Medal for the Advancement of Research was established in 1943 to honor an executive in an organization active in production, fabrication or use of metals and other materials. The recipient of the award will have consistently sponsored research or development and by foresight and actions shall have helped substantially to advance the arts and sciences relating to materials science and engineering.

杰出的生活成员:克雷格·r·巴雷特博士,退休的首席执行官/董事会主席,英特尔公司,将被“持久的贡献微电子和计算机在美国的发展。巴雷特博士的领导下,英特尔已设立标准基于科学工业管理。”亚博老虎机网登录Distinguished Life Membership was established in 1954 and is conferred on those leaders who have devoted their time, knowledge and abilities to the advancement of the materials industries.

博士杰出会员生活:杰克先令、退休的执行副总裁、公司发展和首席技术官,阿勒格尼技术公司,将认识到“34年杰出贡献和领导的专业金属行业研究员,经理,主管和他的发言人行业。”Distinguished Life Membership was established in 1954 and is conferred on those leaders who have devoted their time, knowledge and abilities to the advancement of the materials industries.

金牌:y奥斯汀Chang博士FASM,威斯康辛特聘教授,材料科学与工程系,麦迪逊,威斯康辛大学将获得今年的奖“杰出成就作为一个模范世界级的老师亚博网站下载在材料科亚博老虎机网登录学与工程/研究员和杰出的领导。”The Gold Medal was established in 1943 to recognize outstanding knowledge and great versatility in the application of science to the field of materials science and engineering, as well as exceptional ability in the diagnosis and solution of diversified materials problems.

威廉·亨特埃森曼奖:理查德·l·肯尼迪先生FASM研发副总裁,ATI Allvac,将获得今年的奖“持续而深刻的贡献超耐热不锈钢冶金和过程研究先进的航空航天部件。”The William Hunt Eisenman Award was established in 1960, in memory of a founding member of ASM, and its first and only secretary for 40 years. It recognizes unusual achievements in industry in the practical application of materials science and engineering through production or engineering use.

艾伯特Sauveur成就奖:金成浩博士FASM特聘教授,机械和航空航天工程部门,加州大学圣地亚哥分校将获得今年的奖”的开创性研究领域的新材料和新现象的发现电子、磁性和超导材料。”亚博网站下载This award was established in 1934. It recognizes pioneering materials science and engineering achievements that have stimulated organized work along similar lines to such an extent that a marked basic advance has been made in the knowledge of materials.

j·威拉德吉布斯相平衡奖:y奥斯汀Chang博士FASM特聘教授,材料科学与工程系,麦迪逊,威斯康辛大学将获得今年的j·威拉德吉布斯相平衡奖”亚博网站下载他的开创亚博老虎机网登录性贡献相平衡和合金热力学理论上和实验。”This award was established in 2007 to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of phase equilibria. The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America's greatest theoretical scientists.

艾伦·雷·普特南服务奖项:教授Joachim v . r . HeberleinFASM机械工程系,明尼苏达大学,将ASM国际公认为他服务,和“专用服务和富有远见的领导作为杂志的编辑委员会主席热喷涂技术和热喷涂的组织者和大使活动。”Established in 1988, the Allan Ray Putnam Service Award recognizes the exemplary efforts of members of ASM International on behalf of the Society to further its objectives and goals.

阿尔伯特·伊斯顿白杰出教师奖:劳伦斯·e·Murr博士FASM Murchison教授和主席,冶金和材料工程系,德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校,将获得今年的奖”的无私奉献精神的形成一代又一代的学生通过教学、研亚博网站下载究、指导、学术管理和领导的职业。”The award, established in 1960, recognizes unusually long and devoted service in teaching as well as significant accomplishments in materials science and engineering, and an unusual ability to inspire and impart enthusiasm to students.

布拉德利斯托顿青年教师奖:马修Brochu博士、助理教授、加拿大研究主席处理和加入大部分纳米材料、采矿和材料工程部门,麦吉尔大学,将获得今年的奖“奉献和对科学指导,专业和个人成长的本科生和研究生。”亚博网站下载This award was established in 1952. It recognizes and fosters excellence in the teaching of materials science, materials engineering, design, and processing to encourage young teachers in this field.

工程材料成就奖:罗伯特·亚博网站下载e·伯勒尔博士教授和加拿大研究主席在纳米生物材料,生物医学工程的教授和主席,阿尔伯塔大学,将获得今年的奖”技术的发展和制造方法基于银亚博网站下载纳米结构抗菌和抗炎涂料重要和广泛的临床和病人的好处。”Established in 1969, this award recognizes an outstanding achievement in materials or materials systems relating to the application of knowledge of materials to an engineering structure or to the design and manufacture of a product.




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  • MLA

    ASM国际。“ASM国际名获得者材料科学成果”。亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录AZoM。09年3月2023年。< // >。

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  • 哈佛大学

    ASM国际》2019。ASM国际材料科学成果名获得者亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录。AZoM, 09年2023年3月,//。


