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空气产品(NYSE: APD) joint venture company based in Sichuan, China has signed an agreement to build an air separation unit (ASU) for PetroChina Company Limited, one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. The ASU will supply oxygen and nitrogen to PetroChina's main refinery and ethylene complex in Sichuan, as well as produce liquid products for Air Products' merchant gases customers in the Chengdu area. The ASU is to be on-stream in late 2011.


成都Air and Gas Products Co.中国四川省的ASU。新的ASU将主要由上海的Air Products工程中心及其在上海附近的Caojing的低温制造中心设计和建造。

PetroChina, one of the companies with the biggest sales revenues in China, plays a leading role in the oil and gas industry in China as its largest oil and gas producer and distributor. PetroChina was established as a joint stock company with limited liabilities by China National Petroleum Corporation in 1999.

Sproger noted that this ASU fits well with Air Products' strategic plan, and allows its merchant industrial gas business to continue expanding in China. This announcement follows closely Air Products' Sept. 10 announcement about plans to purchase and operate four existing air separation units and build a new ASU, to be on-stream in March 2011, to supply industrial gases to Xingtai Iron and Steel Corporation, Ltd., one of China's largest specialty steel manufacturers located in Hebei province, China.



  • APA

    Air Products plc。(2019年2月10日)。空气产品以建造石油公司的空气分离厂。azom。于2022年8月8日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Air Products plc。“为石油上建造空气分离厂的空气产品”。azom。2022年8月8日。

  • Chicago

    Air Products plc。“为石油上建造空气分离厂的空气产品”。azom。//。(2022年8月8日访问)。

  • Harvard

    Air Products plc。2019。空气产品以建造石油公司的空气分离厂。azom, viewed 08 August 2022, //


