Ministerial Launch for Collaborative Materials Research at VCAMM

At a ceremony attended by over 200 invited guests from Australian industry and academia, the Hon John Brumby MP, The Victorian Minister for State and Regional Development and Minister for Innovation officially opened the Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials

VGeelong Technology Precinct
Geelong Technology Precinct



VCAMM is currently focused on materials technologies which include, forming and process technologies for light metals, improvements in metal forming processes, mechanical property characterisation, out of autoclave cured composites, process simulation and quality control using X-ray techniques.

Mr. Brad Dunstan, the VCAMM CEO, outlined how VCAMM was founded in 2002 following a A$5 (US$3.5) million Science Technology and Innovation grant from the Victorian government. VCAMM now has over $17 (US$12) Million of projects under management.

布拉德·邓斯坦(Brad Dunstan)先生(中心)VCAMM首席执行官
布拉德·邓斯坦(Brad Dunstan)先生(中心)VCAMM首席执行官

Mr. Dunstan a technologist recruited from leading Australian automotive manufacturer霍顿特殊车辆, stated that VCAMM researchers were “industry focused” with regards to timescales and deliverables and emphasised that, “VCAMM speaks industry’s language”.


This approach was further emphasised by Professor Peter Hodgson of Deakin University, one of the main research partners in VCAMM. Professor Hodgson set out how VCAMM represents the front door to materials research within the Universities of Deakin, Monash, Woolongong, Latrobe and the Australian National University together wi

thCSIRO Manufacturing & Infrastructure Technologyand theCooperative Research Centre for Cast Metal Manufacturing

VCAMM在已经产生积极的工业成果中的有效性由尼尔·格雷厄姆先生(Quickstep™ Process这是一种复合生产的新型过程,该过程采用了填充流体的膀胱来固化复合材料,并在此过程中削减了生产时间。


The “aerospace” interest being accompanied by the current application of the Quickstep™ Process for automotive applications such as bonnet hoods.


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