美国钢铁公司今天举行了正式的奉献仪式,为帕德德德德克恩的新山谷工作训练中心。全面翻新,最先进的设施,该设施均位于该公司的Duquesne作品占用的一部分,将作为在公司三个匹兹堡地区蒙谷工程位置工作的员工的主要培训场所:Clairton Plant,克利尔顿的职业技术操作;Edgar Thomson植物,Braddock的炼钢厂;和Irvin植物,在西部MIFFLIN的一款精加工设施。
"At U. S. Steel, the success of our company begins with our people. Training them to perform their jobs safely, effectively and efficiently every day is an important part of our efforts to be a leader in an increasingly competitive global industry," said Anthony R. Bridge, vice president of Operations -- East at U. S. Steel. "This facility represents an important commitment by our company to the training and development of our entire Mon Valley Works workforce."
“周一山谷培训中心只是美国钢铁持续努力培训我们员工的一个例子,以训练今天的工作,并为明天的挑战做好准备,”丽莎A. roudabush,Mon Valley工作总经理丽莎A. Rouebush。“该设施将有助于我们的努力在与安全,环境遵从,信息技术,电气和机械维护,职业发展,职业发展以及更多的领域中的地区的最新技术和标准。”
Mon Valley Works培训中心超过32,500平方英尺,位于地区工业发展公司(Ridc)河流场工业园区。在2007年11月签署租赁协议后不久,建筑物完全翻新,以及所有三个当地蒙谷工程设施的培训部门开始逐步巩固并转向12月份新设施。该建筑现在包含教室,会议设施,电脑客房和礼堂。它还拥有两个维护实验室,允许员工在实际情况下应用课堂理论,同时利用公司设施中发现的各种设备。app亚博体育每间客房都配备了最先进的视听设备,有助于和增强学习机会。app亚博体育
In addition to serving as the primary training center for Mon Valley Works, the facility will also be utilized for a variety of purposes by employees from U. S. Steel's other Pittsburgh-area locations, including its headquarters in Downtown Pittsburgh, Business Service Center on the city's South Side, Research & Technology Center in Munhall, and the local operations of Transtar, the company's transportation subsidiary. It will also be the new home for Mon Valley Works' continuing education programs for both hourly and management employees.
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