Innovative, High-Resolution SKYSCAN 2214

This video shows Evi Bongaers fromBruker microCT, describing about the SKYSCAN 2214. The novel SKYSCAN 2214 offers unprecedented high-resolution imaging. The X-ray source in this system has a spot size below 500 nanometers, and the pixel size can go down below 60 nanometers. It has an innovative modulator design with up to 4 camera detectors. This feature allows customers to choose the right camera based on their specific applications. TheSKYSCAN 2214can be used to scan a wide variety of sample sizes and types, including large-sized samples.

The SKYSCAN 2214 is an oil-free system and hence requires minimal cleaning. It is used in geology, composite imaging, additive manufacturing, metrology, as well as clinical applications. The SKYSCAN 2214 can be used by anyone, thanks to its low maintenance and high ease of use. It produces distortion-free images and can deliver the best possible results for all applications. The SKYSCAN 2214 is available with free software.

Run Time – 3:16mins


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