An Introduction to the M81 Synchronous Source Measure System 查克·西米诺(Chuck Cimino) In this interview, AZoM speaks to Chuck Cimino, Senior Product Manager at Lake Shore Cryotronics, about the benefits of their M81 Synchronous Source Measure System.
传热液:适应受到大流行的世界 约翰·安德森 In this interview, AZoM talks to John Anderson from Paratherm about their heat transfer fluids, their maintenance solutions and the challenges they faced in an adapting to work in a pandemic stricken world.
多机构的团队如何使用3D打印来帮助置换 Arda Gozen Azom与华盛顿州立大学的Arda Gozen,George和Joan Berry副教授进行了交谈。Arda是一个多机构团队的一部分,该团队通过模仿人体组织的特性来为工程组织创建脚手架。