Avrupa Minerals Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has signed a terms sheet ("Terms Sheet") to option out the Slivovo Project in Kosovo to Byrnecut International Limited ("Byrnecut"). Under the Terms Sheet, Byrnecut has the option to earn a 51% interest in the Slivovo Project by spending EUR1,000,000 in exploration on the project by March 1, 2015, or 12 months from the exact closing date, of which EUR360,000 is a firm commitment and must be spent by September 1, 2014, or 6 months from the closing date.
Brookhaven国家实验室是一家多功能研究机构,与美国能源部科学办公室有着密切联系,最近一直在评估Hidex Sense sense siense siense siense microplate读取器的ABI ...亚博老虎机网登录
在成功审核其AIZU,日本和Boyertown,Pa-usa设施后,全球高级金属PTY Ltd(GAM)是Tantalum的领先生产商,已通过EICC/GESI冲突免费冶炼程序(CFSP)获得了无冲突的认证。GAM是连续四年内未经冲突的任何金属中的第一个冶炼厂。
SCIAPS是一家位于马萨诸塞州沃本的便携式分析仪器公司,很高兴介绍导航器。导航器是一种从紫外线(UV)运行的便携式,宽光谱吸收光谱仪,直到近红外(NIR)波长:350 nm至2,500 nm。
The 'Machining and machine-tools: Research and development' book is the third in the Woodhead Publishing ReviewsWood: Mechanical Engineering Series, and includes high quality articles (full research articles, review articles and case studies) with a special emphasis on research and development in machining and machine-tools.
Great Western Minerals Group Ltd.(“ GWMG”或“ Company”)今天发布了有关与公司的进度和地位有关的问题的最新消息。
布鲁克在2012年材料研究协会(MRS)秋季会议上宣布,其亚博网站下载独家Peakforce Tapping™技术最近超过了100个同行评审的出版物标记。这种采用率是...
Canada Lithium Corp. announced today it has been awarded the prestigious "Entrepreneur of the Year Award" by the Québec Mineral Exploration Association (AEMQ).