Only the sun, which pours more energy onto the Earth's surface in an hour than the entire planet uses in a year, has the capacity to meet future global energy needs -- but people will have to act fast to make use of ...
麻省理工学院的研究人员试图通过比以往任何时候都更有效地将光转化为电力来释放旧想法的希望。该研究正在将新材料,新技术和新想法应用于Radica ..亚博网站下载.
在昨天在纽约举行的投资者会议上,杜邦生物材料副总裁兼总经理约翰·拉尼里(John Ranieri)表示,该公司在替代能源技术中的增长战略是基亚博网站下载于...
Ethanol made from corn cobs, other agricultural waste and switchgrass will provide up to 5 percent of all motor fuel used in the United States by 2007 and 25 percent by 2012, if the Bush administration has its way, U.S. ...
Looking well into the future at which emerging technologies might help power the UK and the world was the subject of the Energy 2100 conference in London this week. Scientists, engineers, researchers and industry gat...
在寻找替代燃料时,硅谷企业家Vinod Khosla说,答案很清楚。在斯坦福大学经济政策研究论坛上发表主题演讲,标题为“ PR ...
Solar Plastics has announced the awarding of a U.S. patent for a new process that offers significant savings to its OEM clients and other potential users. The company's Solar Vision(TM) sightline process allows c...
Microsemi Corporation宣布,它已通过合并的股票和现金交易完成了对先进电力技术的收购。通过此次收购,Microsemi为客户提供了更广泛的...