Vistec SB254: High Performance Electron-Beam Lithography

Vistec’s SB254 is a fully automated, high performance, cost-effective electron-beam lithography system designed for use in both industry and advanced research. Based on the Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) principle, these tools are utilized in a wide range of existing and emerging semiconductor and nanotechnology applications including silicon direct write, compound semiconductor, mask making, integrated optics, and silicon photonics.

The Cell Projection feature (optional) enhances throughput and pattern fidelity of repetitive or curvilinear structures.

Fully automated substrate handling, adjustment and alignment allow operation without manual interaction. The lithography system is compliant to semiconductor production environments and prepared to remote monitoring and control according to SEMI equipment automation standards.

Main Features

Substrate sizes

  • Wafers up to 200mm / Masks up to 7 inch


  • Variable Shaped Beam / 50kV / Cell Projection (option)

Beam size

  • 2µm x 2µm

Position grid

  • 1nm / 0.5nm / 0.25nm (selectable per layout pattern)

Substrate handling

  • Fully automated handling via SMIF pod

Writing exposures

  • Flexible alignment stategies (marks or picture alignment, wafer or mask edge detection)

Data preparation

  • Dedicated ePLACE software for optimized exposure results, incl. fracturing, process correction, simulation and visualization

Clean room footprint

  • < 20m2 (incl. service area)

Other Equipment