Angular Accelerometers for Rotational Studies

Models SR-100FR and SR-200RFR from Columbia Angular Accelerometers have been developed specifically for low-level near DC applications.

Such sensors tend to incorporate the fluid rotor idea to offer extremely high sensitivity and complete scale ranges as low as +/–0.01 radians/second2. The high-performance torquer design holds reliability and ruggedness in extreme vibration and shock surroundings.

The Model SR-100FR functions from a +/–15 V power source and consists of an output span of +/–5 volts for full-scale input. The Model SR-200RFR features the same sensor system as the SR-100FR but offers electronics that function from a +24 to +32 volt aircraft supply and supplies 0 to 5 V output.

Both units are entirely self-contained and need no extra amplification or conditioning. Applications for such high sensitivity accelerometers consist of rotational studies or stabilization of structures, antennas, chips and platforms.

  • High sensitivity
  • High-performance fluid rotor design

Angular Accelerometers for Rotational Studies

Image Credit: Columbia Research Laboratories


Table 1.Source: Columbia Research Laboratories

Operational SR-100FR SR-200RFR
Ranges Available ±0.1 To ±5 Rad / Sec2
Output Voltage ±5 Volts
into 100 K Load
0.2 To 4.8 VDC
into 100 K Load
Excitation ±15 VDC
<20 mA
+24 To +32 VDC
<30 mA
Output Impedance 5,000 Ohms Typical
Sensitive Axis Alignment 0.5 Deg
Scale Factor Tolerance ±1%
Scale Factor Temp Coefficient 0.054% / Deg C 0.07% / Deg C
Zero Bias 2 mRad / Sec2Max. 2.5 ±0.01 VDC
Null Temp Sensitivity 45 µRad / Sec2/Deg C 60 µRad / Sec2/Deg C
Natural Frequency 10 Hz Min.
Damping Ratio 0.6 To 1
Linear Acceleration Sensitivity 10 mRad / Sec2/ G
Cross Axis Sensitivity <0.5%
Output Noise 2 mRad / Sec2RMS
Non-Linearity ±0.1% F.R.
Hysteresis & Non-Repeatability ±0.1% F.R. ±0.2% F.R.
Threshold & Resolution 0.001% F.R.

Environmental SR-100FR SR-200RFR
Temperature, Operating -40 To +71 Deg C
Temperature, Storage -40 To +71 Deg C
Vibration Survival
(2 To 2,000 Hz)
10 G RMS,
0.5” Disp D.A.
Linear Acceleration Survival 100 G
Shock Survival 100 G, 11 mSec
Ambient Pressure 0 To 5 Atmospheres
Humidity 95% R.H.

Physical SR-100FR SR-200RFR
Weight 3.5 Lbs. Max (1.58 KG)
Size 6.56 In. Dia. x 2.375 In. H (16.7 cm Dia. x 6.0 cm H)
Case Material Anodized Aluminum
Sealing Environmental
Connector DT07H-12-8PN or Equiv. PTIH-10-6P or Equiv.
Optional Mating Connector PT06A-12-8S or Equiv. PT06A-10-6S or Equiv.

I/O Connector Pin Functions


Table 2.Source: Columbia Research Laboratories

Pin Function
A Sig & Pwr Return
B Current Output
C Signal Output
D Test –
E -15 VDC
F +15 VDC
G Test +
H Spare


Table 3.Source: Columbia Research Laboratories

Pin Function
A Sig & Pwr Grd
B +28V Input
C Test
D Eo (Voltage Out)
E I o (Current Out)
F I o (Current Ret)

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