High-Density Plasma to Achieve Fast Etching and Deposition Rates - PlasmaPro 100 Cobra

The PlasmaPro 100 Cobra®ICP system from Oxford Instruments makes use of high-density plasma to realize fast etching and deposition rates. The process modules of the system provide high-precision, high-throughput, low-damage processes and exceptional uniformity, for wafers measuring up to 200 mm.

The systems offered by Oxford Instruments have a broad install base integrated with high-volume manufacturing (HVM), as well as well-developed process solutions. The PlasmaPro 100 Cobra®is used in various fields such as GaAs and InP laser optoelectronics, MEMS and sensors, RF, as well as SiC and GaN power electronics.

  • Compatible with wafers measuring up to 200 mm
  • Electrode with a wide temperature range of −150 °C to 400 °C
  • Versatile layout and compact footprint
  • Wafer sizes can be quickly changed
  • In-situ chamber cleaning and end-pointing
  • Ease of serviceability and low cost of ownership


The Cobra®ICP etching sources yield reactive species at a high density and low pressure. An RF generator equipped in the system independently controls the substrate DC bias, thus enabling ion energy to be controlled based on the process requirements.

PlasmaPro 100 Cobra

Image Credit: Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology

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