Waste to Energy Incinerator (EfW) – Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

When the topic of processing waste is discussed, the concept of Waste to Energy becomes a talking point. At Inciner8, many years have been spent in researching and developing new ways to obtain the optimal energy back from waste destruction.

Evolving their waste processing technologies is an ongoing process at Inciner8. It is evident that these technologies have the potential to support UK and global energy generation and sustainable waste management. EfW, also referred to as Waste-to-Energy (WtE), involves generating heat and/or electricity by recovering the energy confined in the municipal solid wastes left after recycling and other agricultural, industrial and forestry residues. These conversion technologies have a crucial role to play in providing energy and delivering sustainable waste management via the use of waste energy facilities.

This energy process is one approach of utilizing unrecyclable waste and reducing volumes getting dumped into landfills. This processed energy could be appropriate for certain renewables grants in a user’s region. Otherwise, it could be used to match zero waste landfill obligations of a user.

Waste to Energy Benefits

  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Increased ROI
  • Can be attached to existing system

There is a better way

Inciner8totally supports and endorses the ultimate approach to manage waste - which is RRR; however the company is a realist, and knows through firsthand experiences that there is still a need for incineration in a number of developed and developing countries worldwide. Through Advanced Thermal Treatment Solutions (ATTS), Inciner8 can assist users in acquiring 'wealth from waste'.

By diverting waste from traditional landfills, the company’s solutions can transform waste to energy. This processed energy can then be used for a number of applications.

Typical Uses for Energy Generated from Waste

  • Up to 40,000 L of hot water per hour
  • 40 kW of power per day from a user’s waste
  • Permanent warm air throughout burn cycle
  • Combined waste/cleaning solution for kennels/catteries
  • Ideal aid agencies and emergency camps

"The UK Government supports efficient energy recovery from residual waste which can deliver environmental benefits, reduce carbon impacts and provide economic opportunities."
Government Review of Waste Policy in England 2011

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