
STACIS®iiifrom TMC features sophisticated inertial vibration sensors, advanced piezoelectric actuators and state-of-the-art control algorithms.

This innovative active vibration cancellation system performs real-time vibration cancellation both through ongoing measurement of floor activity and filtering out of floor motion through expansion and contraction of piezoelectric actuators.


Stacis III包括DC-2020,这是一种新的和增强的数字控制器。该突破性控制系统还具有新的双核处理器和以太网和USB串行端口。用户友好的基于PC的图形用户界面(GUI)是系统的另一个关键功能。

With the unique serial design and proprietary high-force piezoelectric technology, the onset of vibration isolation takes place at 0.6 Hz, with 40% to 70% isolation achieved at 1 Hz. More than 90% isolation can be achieved at 2 Hz and higher, vertically and horizontally.

除了最大程度地减少工厂地板施工费用外,STACIS III启用在较高的振动条件下安装工具。它的活跃带宽为0.6-150Hz,没有柔软的空气悬架的6个自由度的活跃硬安装设计。

Stacis拥有数百个成功的安装,是最振动敏感仪器的理想振动取消系统。不需要计划重新调整,因为它是一个可靠的控制系统。Stacis III是与所有内部工具振动隔离系统兼容的使用点解决方案。

使用TMC的Stacis®technology, STACIS III performs vibration cancellation with piezoelectric actuators. By this way, it allows accommodating sophisticated tools in the older and noisier floors. It is compatible with different floor heights and sub-floor geometries in fabs.

STACIS III affirms compliance with tool vibration criteria during increasing vibration levels over time, thereby increasing throughput, yield and quality. TMC also offers RoHS-compliant version. STACIS is hundreds of times stiffer when compared to air isolators, thus eliminating all of the limitations of air vibration isolation systems.


Specifications of STACIS®iiiSystem


Performance Specifications
Active degrees of freedom 6
主动带宽 0.6至150 Hz
Natural frequency 被动弹性体。18 Hz
有效的主动谐振频率:0.5 Hz
隔离为1.0 Hz 40% - 70%
Isolation at 2.0 Hz and above 90%或更好
在10磅(4.5 kg)步骤输入(减少10:1)之后的定居时间 0.3秒
内部噪音 <0.1 nm RMS
每个隔离器(需要不同的被动式安装器)隔离器超负荷安全系数的工作负载范围 400-4,500磅
(182 - 2,045 kg)
隔离器数量 3或4个典型
刚度(1,000 lb/454 kg质量)(典型的中容量隔离器) 40,000 lb/in。
(73 x106 Wm)
发射的磁场 <0.02微型 - 高斯宽带RMS


隔离器的大小 11.75英寸(w)x 12.5英寸(d)x 10.8英寸(h)
(300 x 320 x 275毫米)
隔离器重量 75 lb (34 kg
控制器大小 19英寸(w)x 8.5英寸(d)x 1.75英寸(h)
(483 x 381 x 44 mm)
Temp., operating 50°至-F90°F(10至32°C)
Temp., storage -40°至255°F(-40至125°C)
Humidity, operating 30- 60%
Power required 100, 120, 230 or 240 volts; 50/60 Hz; <600 watts, CE compliant
Floor displacement <480 µ in。(12 µm)低于10 Hz


DC -2020 Controller Specifications
物理维度 1.75“(45毫米)H x 19'(483毫米)W x 8.5”(216毫米)D
RETMA rack mountable with optional brackets
重量 6。3 lb. (2.9 kg)
处理器 双核处理器150/75 MHz
采样率 10 kHz
模拟输出 16个频道
模拟输入 16个频道
状态光 单个LED
Front panel ports 串行USB 2.0
Serial Micro USB
Ethernet RJ-45
后面板端口 Ethernet RJ-45
串行USB 2.0
RS -232 DB-9 legacy serial port (compatible with STACIS 2100)
用户界面 高端的角色菜单
Embedded Ethernet GUI control pages


The following graph shows the performance advantage of the STACIS®III系统:



  • Semiconductor fabs
  • 故障分析实验室
  • 纳米技术研究
  • 纳米制造设施
  • Materials research


“立管”上的Stacis®系统安装在定制设计的TMC QuietIsland®地下平台下,以支持36英寸高的地板上的Ebeam光刻工具。
ASTACIS® System, incorporating a non-ferromagnetic, highly damped, aluminum platform, provides a second stage of vibration isolation for a Bruker BioSpin 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer. Photo courtesy of Bruker BioSpin and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
STACIS®支持加利福尼亚理工学院的原型LIGO干涉仪的末端腔室。这些是有史以来最精确的仪器 - 能够测量不到10-18米的距离。

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