Epsilon MODEL 3542RA Averaging Axial Extensometers

3542RA averaging axial extensometers来自Epsilon的生产是用于在混凝土,岩石和其他大型压缩样品上进行抗压强度测试。


Epsilonoffers gauge lengths from 1 to 8 in (25 to 200mm) and measuring ranges from 0.05 to 0.25 in (1.2 to 6mm) for customers.


这3542RA is offered with numerous configurations, and all versions are self-supporting on the specimen and can be mounted in a simple manner.

In tests where a single diameter specimen is generally used, the fixed diameter 3542RA1 is should be used. Likewise, for applications where a continuously adjustable diameter extensometer is needed, the 3542RA2 should be the ideal choice.

这basic configuration for these extensometers allows them to be used on samples from 2in to 6in (50 to 150mm). It is possible to provide two independent readings with two outputs. Several rock tests are performed using tri-axial pressure vessels.


全部3542 RASTEMEMETER被构造为能够与3544圆周延伸计或3975直径延伸计一起工作。岩石延伸仪可以处理日常,大容量测试的严谨性。延期计中的圆锥点接触由碳化钨制成。

这3542RA averaging axial extensometers can be often connected to a test machine controller. The signal conditioning electronics needed for the extensometer is basically included with the test machine controller or can be added.

In this case, the extensometer is delivered with quality connector and wiring to allow direct plugging into the electronics. In case certain systems do not have the needed electronics,Epsiloncan provide many solutions, thereby allowing the extensometer output to be connected to chart recorders, data acquisition boards, or other equipment.


这main features of the3542RA averaging axial extensometersinclude:

  • 完整的桥,350Ω应变仪表设计,几乎与任何测试单元兼容
  • 高精度,平均输出或可选的双重独立输出
  • 全部basic units comply with existing ASTM class B-1 and ISO 9513, class 0,5 requirements for precision
  • Sturdy, dual flexure design for strength and enhanced performance
  • 提供高质量的泡沫衬里盒
  • 易于安装,可以使用整体弹簧附加
  • 在标本上自给自足
  • Can be used simultaneously with 3975 diametral extensometer or 3544 circumferential extensometers
  • 这3542RA1 version is configured for a single diameter size based on customer specification, and the 3542RA2 version works on sample diameters from 2in to 6in (50mm to 150mm)

Epsilon MODEL 3542RA Averaging Axial Extensometers

Model 3542RA2 Dual Averaging Rock and Concrete Extensometer
Model 3542RA1 extensometer


3542RA averaging axial extensometers以下列出的量规长度,测量范围和温度范围的任何组合可用。公司要求在下订单时指定测试样品直径。还将考虑其他配置。

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