The CubePro is highly precise with upto three simultaneous print colors and a build size of up to 10.8 x 10.45 x 9.5 inches (275 x 265 x 240 mm), the CubePro provides the industry’s best desktop experience in PLA and ABS plastic jet 3D printing.

The CubePro is available with single, dual or triple print jets, with 23 color choices in ABS and PLA materials, both of which can run in the same build. Stabilized print mechanics, easy setup, wireless connectivity, and fast print speeds up designs so that one’s ideas are quickly converted to physical models. Special software enables convenient creation of the build data that instantly begins printing in one’s home or office.

Key Features

The key features of the personal 3D printer CubePro from 3DSystems are:

  • Controlled print environment – A controlled process environment ensures higher reliability and accuracy for professional, effortless quality each time for the company’s largest ABS plastic prints Automated settings ensure home-safe printing in one’ mancave, on your workbench and at your desktop
  • Strong, fast and long-lasting - Guaranteed faster, more accurate prints with stabilized print mechanics and easy feed cartridges for prolonged material life
  • Triple color and dual materials amounts to thousands of options.
  • It is possible to print upto 3 simultaneneosly and more color options
  • Can connect conveniently with an easy to use color touch screen display and WiFi capability

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