Olympus BLISS High-Definition Virtual Microscopy System

The Olympus BLISS HD system advances the field of clinical digital imaging with the introduction of high-definition virtual microscopy. Bringing together the technology and software from Bacus Laboratories with Olympus' advanced optical expertise, BLISS HD delivers superior, high- resolution virtual slide images, automatically, with push-button simplicity.

Slides can be scanned at true 20x and 40x, with an option for 60x oil, with automatic tissue detection and multiple region of interest scanning possible. Virtual-ZTM, our unique multiple z-plane scanning and virtual focusing feature, makes BLISS HD an ideal system for scanning thick specimens where depth of focus is important. In combination with WebSlide® Enterprise, our advanced viewer and database software and WebSlide Server, designed specifically for handling virtual microscopy files, BLISS HD is one of the most powerful, personal virtual slide scanning systems available.


  • Single slide scanning
  • Automatic/manual scanning modes
  • Virtual-Z, multiple z-plane scanning
  • Automatic tissue detection
  • Multiple regions of interest
  • True 20x/0.75NA and 40x0.95NA scanning
  • Optional 60x oil scanning

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