Ozonation of Organic and Polymer Compounds

Ozonation of Organic and Polymer Compounds

The study of the kinetics and mechanism of ozone reactions is an important field in modern science closely related to the solution of the problem of 'ozone holes', the development of physical-, organic-, inorganic-, polymer- and bio-chemistry with ozone participation, chemical kinetics, theory and utilisation of the reactivity of chemical compounds towards ozone, development of new highly efficient technologies for chemical industry, electronics, fine organic synthesis, solution of ecological and medical problems by employing ozone, degradation and stabilisation of organic, polymer, elastomer and biological materials, etc., against its harmful action.

The intentional application of ozone promotes invention and development of novel and improvement of well known methods for its generation and analysis, means and methods for its more effective application. A number of laboratory and industrial methods for its synthesis have been proposed and are discussed inOzonation of Organic and Polymer Compounds.

The first technical title of its kind will be of specific interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, R&D Managers and all those involved with this in industry.

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