Mixing of Rubber
Introducing the new 'Classic Rapra Reprint' Series.Mixing of Rubber是一系列经典Rapra重印的第一本书。我们已经搜索了我们先前出版和成功的参考书,并找到了一些真正的宝石!橡胶混合行业的人们肯定会感兴趣的内容,无论是新的工业和更多经验,都将受益...
Since the discovery of vulcanisation in the nineteenth century, rubber has been a major industrial product. From its inception, the use of vulcanising agents, reinforcing fillers and other additives has been a major feature of the rubber industry. Innumerable articles and texts attest to the chemist's skill in balancing the chemical and physical properties of the manufactured products.
In the case of laminar mixing, the size may be the striation thickness of a hypothetical fluid element, which is inversely related to the total shear strain. If relatively strong particles, or aggregates of particles, are present, these must be reduced in size by the action of forces generated by flow in the mixer. Then the size is the actual additive particle size.
The relative balance between the importance of these three processes in determining the efficiency of mixing and the product quality depends upon the attraction between additive particles, the rubber flow properties, the geometry of the mixer and the operating conditions such as temperature, mixing time and rotor speed.
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