Thermal Processing Regimes for Advanced Materials

Harper International的IGNITE流程可帮助公司开发从实验室的高级材料,以完成商业化,以帮助将客户梦想变为现实。亚博网站下载利用公司在热处理中的广泛经验,他们与客户合作,以​​确保随着运营的扩展而取得成功。


Figure 1.

Harper International对新兴行业的支持始于研究和发展的早期阶段,无论是大学,政府机构,公司研发中心还是初创企业。该公司的使命是支持这些客户将下一代物质创新转变为新的有利可图的市场。下面讨论了客户铺平物质科学创新道路的成功故事。亚博老虎机网登录


EnerG2 started work withHarperin 2009 on their energy storage materials as they refined and optimized their thermal processing regime. That work resulted in a major piece of equipment to enable their production scale operations for performing pyrolysis of activated carbon for ultra capacitors. EnerG2, based in Seattle, WA, USA, is focused exclusively on the production and development of advanced carbons for energy storage devices.


Metallic impurities are not acceptable as they could impact charge storage ability. The purity specifications and high temperatures necessitate exacting control of gas particle interactions. Harper designed the multi-line rotary with specialty construction materials along with a ceramic lined process area to satisfy purity conditions and balanced the need for a gas tight operation on the nitrogen atmosphere through its proprietary sealing technology.


The rotary system is presently used at EnerG2’s new Oregon facility the world’s first commited to the commercial-scale production of synthetic high-performance carbon electrode material. The facility was made possible by a $21.3 million Federal stimulus grant allocated by the US Department of Energy for manufacturers of advanced automotive batteries and energy storage technologies.

Nano-Engineered Powdered Metals

在Harper技术中心的过程优化和改进之后,Harper为Allomet Corporation开发了连续的旋转炉,用于生产纳米工程粉末状金属。




The President of Allomet John Keane commented that as they look to considerably increase the production capacity to meet the growing global demand for the unique and highly wear-resistant Tough Coated Hard Powders (TCHP), they recognized that careful consideration and un-derstanding of thermal processing steps was needed. Harper offered superior technical proficiency in this area and then followed it up with a tailored furnace that optimizes our process and delivers efficiencies in multiple areas.

近十年来,Allomet Corporation一直处于纳米工程粉末状金属行业的最前沿。该公司利用其全球专注的高科技流程和设备,成功地开发了数量的独特高价值商业材料,称为TCHP,这是一类全新的工业粉末,app亚博体育具有长期追求的极端强度和磨损亚博网站下载- 抗性性能特征。TCHP的高价值用途包括切割工具,电线模具和通过热喷雾或激光覆层产生的表面涂层。

关于Harper International

Harper International是完整的热处理解决方案的全球领导者,也是生产高级材料至关重要的技术服务。从概念到商业化,从研究量表到完整的生产线运营,Harper永远处于最前沿。亚博网站下载几十年来,我们开创了一些世界上一些最具创新性,定制的系统,重点是在高温和非舞会气氛下处理材料。亚博网站下载

哈珀的value proposition is unequaled — decades of industry experience, a highly specialized, multi-talented group of employees, and a passion for partnership. We don’t shoehorn a standard line of products to fit our customers’ requirements. We specialize in first-of-a-kind solutions using our exceptional depth and breadth of knowledge.哈珀的文化是真正的创造力和创造力之一,可确保我们不断地挑战自己,为客户的独特热处理需求制定最佳工程技术解决方案。

此信息已从Harper International提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Harper International。


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    Harper International。(2021年2月4日)。高级材料的热处理制度。亚博网站下载azom。于2023年2月5日从//检索。

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    Harper International。“高级材料的热处理方式”。亚博网站下载AZoM。2023年2月5日。

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    Harper International。“高级材料的热处理方式”。亚博网站下载azom。//。(2023年2月5日访问)。

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    Harper International。2021。Thermal Processing Regimes for Advanced Materials。Azom,2023年2月5日,//。



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