Rapid Process and Quality Control in Cement Plants Using Simultaneous WDXRF in Accordance with ASTM C114

Cement production requirements are quite strict. Cost efficiency, reduction of CO2排放和最高产品质量必须同时达到。因此,通过从原材料到最终产品的生产过程的所有步骤,过程和质量控制也必须变得更加有效,甚至严格的控制限制。亚博网站下载可以通过同时波长色散X射线荧光(WDXRF)光谱仪执行此任务,特别是称为多频道WDXRF。

这些仪器具有针对浓度范围优化的每个感兴趣元素的专用分析通道。所有通道同时起作用,以非常高的精度和一致性产生快速测量时间。由于测量时间通常小于60 s,因此可以使用单个仪器来控制水泥厂中不同点的样品。样品可以来自原材料,孤岛,预热器,钙铜,窑炉和最终产品亚博网站下载。S8 LION已根据ASTM C-114程序进行了认证,作为用于水泥分析的快速测试方法,证明其能力。该方法定义了样品制备可重复性的限制和仪器校准的精度,以确保与湿化学参考方法相比,合格的仪器能够执行分析或更好的分析。


The new S8 LION is designed for quality control applications in cement plants, to achieve highest requirements for reliability, sample throughput, and superior analytical performance in combination with ease of use and maximum instrument uptime.

The features of the S8 LION are listed below:

  • The S8 LION has up to 16 element channels, each optimized for the particular element and its respective concentration range, covers all analytical tasks for raw mix, clinker and cement production control by measuring all elements within 60 s or less at the same time, enabling superior sample throughput.
  • The S8 LION’s design is optimized not only for speed but for accuracy also.
  • 该仪器具有温度控制的柜子以及每个晶体的个体温度稳定,以确保生产环境中出色的仪器可重复性。
  • The constant vacuum technology in the S8 LION improves lifetime of detector foils and enables excellent precision on light elements.
  • The instrument is designed to be always functional, i.e. 24/7/365 operation under difficult conditions.
  • The loading mechanism with sample swing and sample lift ensures rapid and repeatable positioning with absolute zero tolerance throughout the life-span of the instrument.
  • Reliable handling of pressed pellets is ensured with the help of the SampleCare feature that is based on tube-above-geometry and pre-loading mechanism, which is pressure controlled.
  • The S8 LION is an ideal tool for the cement plant since downtime because of dust and sample debris is considerably reduced.
  • The S8 LION includes the integrated S8 TOOLS software for self diagnostics, automatic system recovery (first aid) and complete service and maintenance access via telephone or TCP/IP (network).
  • 仪器中包含的TouchControl功能即使在岛上模式下的困难环境中也可以易于使用。不再需要基于PC的菜单接口,此功能使用直观的“按下按钮”方法,该方法将用户培训降低到分钟,这是生产控制环境的理想选择。
  • 可以将独立仪器联网并将结果传输到2级系统,还允许QC Manager分析结果
  • 用于ASTM C-114的S8狮为Na,mg,al,si,p,s,k,ca,ti和fe的元素配备了10个专用通道。


标准标准形成为1:6的融合珠。使用了NIST 1880A-1889A系列的七个水泥标准。在两天不同的日期准备了两组标准样品。


测量s were performed on the S8 LION multichannel instrument with 4KW Rh target X-ray tube. The integration time was 60 seconds for all the elements. The instrument was calibrated for analysis of the elements evaluated as oxides such as Na2o,mgo,al2o3,Sio2,p2o5, SO3,k2O,Cao,Tio2和fe2o3。对于准确性测试,每小时对两个融合的珠样品进行了30小时的测试,而无需中间漂移校正。


The summary of the accuracy test and the maximum differences between certified and measured data are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.Accuracy test acc. ASTM C114 with three CRM (NIST 1881a, 1888a and 1889a), prepared two times as fused beads

Sample Date Na2o(%) MgO (%) al2o3(%) Sio2(%) p2o5(%) SO3(%) k2o(%) CaO (%) TIO2(%) 2o3(%)
1881a-Lot1 10.02。2009 10:45 0.207 3.029 7.195 22.758 0.143 3。351 1。267 58.794 0.376 3。227
1881a_Lot2 10.02.2009 14:36 0。216 3.021 7.138 22.603 0.143 3。407 1。262 58.599 0.372 3.186
区别 0。009 0。008 0.057 0.155 0 0.056 0。005 0。195 0。004 0.041
ASTM限制 0.03 0.16 0.20 0.16 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.20 0.02 0.10
通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过
平均的 0。2115 3.025 7.1665 22。6805 0.143 3.379 1.2645 58.6965 0.374 3。2065
NIST CRM 0。2 3。03 7.17 22。62 0.15 3。42 1.25 58.51 0.37 3。14
差异到CRM 0.0115 0。005 0。0035 0.0605 0。007 0.041 0.0145 0。1865 0。004 0。0665
ASTM限制 0.05 0。2 0。2 0。2 0.03 0。1 0.05 0。3 0.03 0。1
通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过
Sample Date Na2o(%) MgO (%) al2o3(%) Sio2(%) p2o5(%) SO3(%) k2o(%) CaO (%) TIO2(%) 2o3(%)
1888a-Lot1 10.02。2009 10:57 0.147 3.034 4。397 21.636 0.08 2.156 0.568 64.538 0.267 3.155
1888a_Lot2 10.02.2009 14:48 0.143 3.037 4。386 21.656 0。079 2。196 0。574 64。471 0.266 3。13
区别 0。004 0。003 0.011 0.02 0。001 0.04 0。006 0。067 0。001 0.025
ASTM限制 0.03 0.16 0.20 0.16 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.20 0.02 0.10
通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过
平均的 0.145 3.0355 4。3915 21.646 0。0795 2。176 0。571 64.5045 0.2665 3.1425
CRM 0.11 3。04 4。34 21.6 0.08 2。17 0.54 64.36 0.27 3。13
差异到CRM 0.035 0。0045 0.0515 0.046 0。0005 0。006 0.031 0.1445 0。0035 0。0125
ASTM限制 0.05 0。2 0。2 0。2 0.03 0。1 0.05 0。3 0.03 0。1
通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过
Sample Date Na2o(%) MgO (%) al2o3(%) Sio2(%) p2o5(%) SO3(%) k2o(%) CaO (%) TIO2(%) 2o3(%)
1889a-Lot1 10.02。2009 10:59 0.17 0。848 3。979 21。348 0.113 2。797 0。607 67.575 0。235 1。985
1889a_Lot2 10.02.2009 14:50 0.173 0。843 3。972 21。32 0.113 2。847 0.621 67.595 0。234 1。954
区别 0。003 0。005 0。007 0.028 0 0.05 0.014 0.02 0。001 0.031
ASTM限制 0.03 0.16 0.20 0.16 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.20 0.02 0.10
通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过
平均的 0.1715 0.8455 3。9755 21。334 0.113 2。822 0.614 67.585 0。2345 1.9695
CRM 0。2 0。84 4。02 21。36 0.11 2。78 0.63 67.56 0.24 2
差异到CRM 0.0285 0。0055 0.0445 0.026 0。003 0.042 0.016 0.025 0。0055 0.0305
ASTM限制 0.05 0。2 0。2 0。2 0.03 0。1 0.05 0。3 0.03 0。1
通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过

CAO,SIO的精确数据2and MgO are shown as an example in the process control charts shown in Figures 1-3 and summarized for all elements in Table 2 for different samples and days.

Table 2.精密测试ACC。ASTM C114 30小时,样品与另一个样品交替

Date Na2o(%) MgO (%) al2o3(%) Sio2(%) p2o5(%) SO3(%) k2o(%) CaO (%) TIO2(%) 2o3(%)
10.02。2009 19:30 0.556 1.192 5。337 22.305 0。185 2。674 0。908 59.413 0.241 3.378
10.02。2009 20:36 0.558 1.192 5。329 22。295 0。184 2。670 0。910 59.416 0.241 3.376
10.02。2009 21:41 0.553 1.194 5。347 22。288 0。185 2。672 0。909 59.397 0.241 3.375
10.02。2009 22:47 0.547 1.195 5。340 22。294 0。186 2。669 0。908 59.413 0.241 3.376
10.02。2009 23:52 0.553 1.197 5。339 22。295 0。184 2。670 0。909 59.456 0.241 3.378
11。02。2009 00:57 0.552 1.192 5。337 22.307 0。185 2。675 0。907 59.45 0.240 3.377
11.02.2009 02:03 0.549 1.195 5。331 22。291 0。184 2。676 0。909 59.413 0.241 3.374
11.02.2009 03:08 0.547 1.197 5。335 22.317 0。184 2。673 0。909 59.398 0.241 3.374
11.02.2009 04:14 0.554 1.194 5。338 22。299 0。185 2。674 0。910 59.428 0.241 3.377
。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。
11。02。2009 20:34 0.561 1.195 5。347 22.308 0。186 2。682 0。910 59.406 0.241 3.378
11。02。2009 21:40 0.557 1.196 5。339 22.304 0。184 2。684 0。908 59.446 0.241 3.377
11。02。2009 22:45 0.552 1。189 5。340 22.314 0。185 2。683 0。908 59.456 0.241 3.376
12。02。2009 00:56 0.561 1.193 5。336 22.331 0。186 2。688 0。908 59.438 0.241 3.377
12。02。2009 02:01 0.563 1.195 5。330 22.307 0。185 2。683 0。910 59.422 0.241 3.376
平均值 0.554 1.194 5。339 22.305 0。185 2。678 0。909 59.427 0.241 3.376
Std. dev. 0。005 0。003 0。005 0.011 0。001 0。006 0。001 0.023 0。000 0。001
RSD. 0。92 0.22 0.10 0.05 0.37 0.22 0.11 0.04 0.14 0.04

process control chart from two days for CaO

图1。process control chart from two days for CaO





Both precision and accuracy by far exceed the requirements of ASTM C-114 within the shortest measurement time. The S8 LION has a high count rate, which ensures the statistical error is a negligible factor in the total error calculation and therefore the variation of the results from the S8 LION is also negligible. Sample preparation is the only major factor for total error and makes reproducible samples a critical factor for successful process control.


The new S8 LION is a highly successful, quick, analytical instrument that enables superior quality control in advanced cement plants meeting highest demands. It provides quick, precise and very consistent results that will allow close monitoring of the process.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Bruker X-Ray Analysis.

For more information on this source, please visit布鲁克X射线分析



  • APA

    布鲁克斧头公司。(2019, August 30). Rapid Process and Quality Control in Cement Plants Using Simultaneous WDXRF in Accordance with ASTM C114. AZoM. Retrieved on July 03, 2021 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5729.

  • MLA

    Bruker Axs Inc.。“根据ASTM C114同时使用WDXRF的水泥植物中的快速过程和质量控制”。AZoM。03July 2021. .

  • Chicago

    Bruker Axs Inc.。“根据ASTM C114同时使用WDXRF的水泥植物中的快速过程和质量控制”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=5729。(2021年7月3日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Bruker Axs Inc. 2019。Rapid Process and Quality Control in Cement Plants Using Simultaneous WDXRF in Accordance with ASTM C114。Azom,2021年7月3日,//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=5729。

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