Cement Plant Wear Plate Solutions for Rawmix, Clinker, Cement and Storage Applications

三件事wear plate and pipe is designed to combat the rigors of high wear environments and is a viable solution to the problem of wear in many industries. By reducing wear, service life of components is extended reducing downtime allowing the user to concentrate on production rather than maintenance and in the process increasing efficiency. Outlined below are some examples of where they can benefit from changing over to using三件磨损板代替更多传统材料。亚博网站下载

Cement Manufacture Overview


Wear Solution for Rawmill to Kiln

这crushed and blended rawmix is transported to kilns through either the conveyor or the slurry line by adding water. The rawmix is subjected to temperatures as high as 1100°C or 2012°F in the kiln. Under these conditions the rawmix is converted to clinker by calcining and sintering. The size of of nanoscale wear particles is such that 15% are less than 5 microns and 5% are greater then 45 microns. From here the clinker is sent to the cement mill for further processing and from there on to storage silos via chain conveyors or powder pumps.

板条甲板 - 皮带和链条输送机

这些是水泥制造过程中的运输通道,因此由于滑动磨损而磨损。在将RAWMIX运输到窑炉的窑炉大小的同时,从5%到15%的磨损颗粒比90微米大,小于5微米小于15%,yabo214在窑后仅大于45微米的45%。三件事通过使用T157 or T171*覆盖plates并建议根据输送带的所需使用寿命使用适当的覆盖板。这T171*配备最紧密的颗粒浓度,因此最适合防止纳米大小的水泥粉末。


这se transport lines are subjected to abrasion due to sliding and erosion mechanisms. About 5 to 15% of particles are of size greater than 90 microns before entering the kiln and about 15% particles measure less than 5 microns and about 5% are of sizes greater than 45 microns after the kiln.三件事suggests the usage ofT171*覆盖protection plateT171*plate由硼制成,因此具有厚厚的磨损矩阵,重量轻。板的这种结构通过暴露最小表面积可提供良好的磨损保护免受水泥灰尘的保护。


这cement is stored in silos after the final manufacturing stage. From these silos it is removed and filled into bags or loaded into trucks or rail cars or even shipped. During these packaging process, the silo cones are exposed to abrasion and hence need to be protected.


While the cement is removed from the silos, the parts such as the silo cones are subjected to abrasion due to sliding. The particles causing abrasion have sizes of less than 5 microns (about 15%) and greater than 45 microns (about 5%).三件事建议使用T171*覆盖为了保护,由于它具有密集的硼基质,可将暴露的表面积遏制至最低。因此,将由于水泥颗粒引起的磨损最小化。yabo214T171*也是可用的覆盖板中最轻的。


三件事开发和制造最高质量的磨损叠加层,以寻求通过延长暴露于严重磨损条件的设备,零件和管道的寿命,以最大程度地提高效率。app亚博体育三件事achieves its high-quality standard through research and development, partner companies and exclusive suppliers, as well as through in- house experimentation and process optimization.

*Developed by Trimay Wearplate Ltd. using NanoSteel® Technology under license from The NanoSteel® Company, Inc.

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For more information on this source please visit三件事Wear Plate



  • APA

    三件磨损板。((2018, August 22). Cement Plant Wear Plate Solutions for Rawmix, Clinker, Cement and Storage Applications. AZoM. Retrieved on February 01, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5636.

  • MLA

    三件磨损板。“水泥植物磨损板解决方案,用于生,熟料,水泥和存储应用”。AZoM。01 February 2023. .

  • 芝加哥


  • Harvard

    三件磨损板。2018。Cement Plant Wear Plate Solutions for Rawmix, Clinker, Cement and Storage Applications。AZoM, viewed 01 February 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5636.


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