S690QL High Yield Structural Steel - Properties and Applications

S690 QL是符合EN 10025:6:2004的高产量结构钢等级。该材料使用淬火和回火过程进行热处理,并具有良好的弯曲和焊接特性。

Due to the materials high strength nature, using S690QL will promote leaner designed structures with increased payload capacity and energy efficiency.

The technical details of S690QL are outlined below.


The grade designation ofS690QL如下:

  • S = Structural Steel
  • 690= minimum yield strength (MPa)
  • Q = Quenching & Tempering
  • L = Low notch toughness testing temperature

S690QL - Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of S690QL is provided in the table below.

Element Percentage % Element Percentage %
C 0.20 Cu 0.50
Si 0.80 0.70
Mn 1.70 Nb* 0.06
P 0.025 2.0
S 0.015 Ti* 0.05
N 0.015 V* 0.12
B 0.0050 Zr* 0.15
Cr 1.50

* At least 0.015% of grain-refining element present. Aluminium is also one of these elements.

S690QL - Mechanical Properties


Designation 机械性能(环境温度)
钢名 Steel Number 最小。Yield Strength Reh MPa 拉伸强度RM MPA 最小。骨折后%伸长
Nominal thickness (mm) Nominal thickness (mm)
≥3 ≤50 ≥50≤100 ≥100≤150 ≥3 ≤50 ≥50≤100 ≥100≤150
S690QL 1.8931 690 650 630 770/940 760/930 710/900 14

S690QL - V Notch Impact Testing

The V Notch impact testing details are given in the table below.

年级 样品方向 @ 0°C @-20°C @-40°C @-60°C
S690QL Longitudinal 50 J 40 j 30 J ¨C¨C
Traverse 35 J 30 J 27 J ¨C¨C


S690QL - Applications


  • 重型运输
  • 机器建筑
  • Steel constructions
  • Lifting equipment

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Masteel UK Ltd.

For more information on this source, please visitMasteel UK Ltd


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    Masteel UK Ltd.(2022年11月24日)。S690QL高产量结构钢 - 性质和应用。Azom。于2023年3月9日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=5266检索。

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    Masteel UK Ltd.“ S690QL高收益结构钢 - 财产和应用”。Azom。2023年3月9日。

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    Masteel UK Ltd.“ S690QL高收益结构钢 - 财产和应用”。Azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5266. (accessed March 09, 2023).

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    Masteel UK Ltd. 2022。S690QL High Yield Structural Steel - Properties and Applications。Azom, viewed 09 March 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5266.

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