
With growing concerns in the manufacturing, recycling and environmental industries regarding toxic elements in consumer products, the need to be environmentally responsible and to assure adherence to regulations requires a strong verification program at all stages of a product’s life cycle.


Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse


在美国环境保护局的资助下,TPCH在2005年10月至2006年2月之间进行了第一个全面的包装测试计划,以使用手持式Niton X射线荧光(XRF)筛选了355个包装样品,以筛选四个限制金属(XRF))来自Thermo Fisher Scientific的分析仪。选择了测试的包装样品,以代表各种不同的材料(铝,玻璃,纸,塑料和钢)和产品类型,主要是在零售领域。亚博网站下载

Thermo Scientific Niton Analyzers

Testing was performed using a handheld, nondestructive Niton XLt 797 analyzer. The ease of operation, speed and portability of these instruments make them ideal tools for quality control and rapid testing of packaging materials wherever needed – in a warehouse, on the assembly line, or in the back of a truck. With the simple pull of a trigger, quantitative analysis of cadmium, lead, mercury, and total chromium – as well as additional elemental constituents – is obtained in less than one minute, with little or no sample preparation required.


The concentration of the four metals (cadmium, lead, mercury, and chromium) was evaluated as pass (< 100 ppm) or fail (> 100 ppm), taking into consideration the reported range of uncertainty for each metal. Samples were either measured directly or mechanically prepared to meet a minimum sample thickness of 5 mm. All samples were analyzed for 120 seconds, and at least two analyses were taken for each packaging component. The results reported for each metal are the average of the measurements taken of each packaging component.

The test results were compiled and analyzed for trends in compliance and non-compliance with state toxics in packaging laws, including percentage of samples that passed and failed the screening test and the characteristics of failed samples, including product sector, material types and which restricted metals were detected above the screening threshold.

Contamination Levels Detected

测试的包装组件中有16%超过了一个或多个受限重金属的100 ppm允许的浓度,并且可能违反包装法中的状态毒物。



Companies whose products were not in compliance with state toxics in packaging laws were contacted by TPCH and asked to verify or refute the test results. Only 15% of the companies contacted acknowledged that their packages were not in compliance with state toxics in packaging requirements. Most companies claimed compliance and submitted supporting documentation for almost 70% of the packages that failed the TPCH screening tests. Companies that did not respond to the requests were referred to member states for appropriate action, including enforcement.

There are several possible explanations for the discrepancy between the TPCH test results and company compliance claims. First, suppliers or raw materials may have changed since the time that TPCH obtained a given package. Second, TPCH suspects that conventional laboratory preparation methods are not sufficient to adequately digest the packaging sample, resulting only in the quantification of recoverable metals rather than a true total concentration of the restricted metals.


After receiving numerous analytic test results from companies that refuted TPCH XRF measurements indicating violations of state laws, TPCH sent several samples to the California Department of Toxic Substance Control’s (DTSC) analytical laboratory for further testing. California DTSC analyzed the samples using XRF technology, as well as Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), a common analytical laboratory technique for determining metals concentration in soil samples. The XRF measurements obtained by TPCH and DTSC, using three different XRF instrument models manufactured by two companies, all indicated that the packages are in violation of state laws. The ICP-AES test results obtained by California DTSC, however, were significantly lower than the collective XRF results. If TPCH had relied on ICP-AES results instead of XRF, most of the failing samples would have passed the compliance test.



This study conducted by TPCH clearly demonstrates that toxic heavy metals in packaging are still present in the U.S. above the levels allowed by state toxics in packaging laws, with the majority of violations found in packages of imported products. As a result, toxic heavy metals are continuously being fed into the solid waste and recycling streams, eventually being released into the environment. With more and more of the products sold on U.S. shelves being imported from other countries, companies selling or distributing packaging materials and packaged products need to perform verification testing on packaging components before they reach store shelves.

Be ready for the task at hand with Thermo Scientific Niton XRF analyzers, the ideal tools for ensuring that toxics in packaging regulations are followed and the risks to consumers, the environment and legal compliance are minimized.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific.

For more information on this source, please visit材料ID的Thermo Scientific Portable分析仪。



  • APA

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。(2019, March 18). Heavy Metals Screening, Analysis, and Identification in Packaging Using Niton Handheld XRF Analyzers. AZoM. Retrieved on February 05, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5250.

  • MLA

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。“使用Niton手持XRF分析仪包装中的重金属筛选,分析和识别”。azom。2023年2月5日。

  • Chicago

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。“使用Niton手持XRF分析仪包装中的重金属筛选,分析和识别”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5250. (accessed February 05, 2023).

  • Harvard

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。2019.使用Niton手持XRF分析仪包装中的重金属筛选,分析和识别。azom, viewed 05 February 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5250.

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