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Acid Cleaning Of 998 Purity Aluminas

Despite common perception, it seems that not all commercial99.8% pure Alumina oxides相同。尽管它们可能具有相同的化学反应并符合该材料的公认行业规格,但在关键的运营条件下它们的行为可能会有所不同。

Acid Etching Tests of High-Purity Ceramic


Testing Purity of Aluminas in Semiconductors

The tests were conducted by Morgan Advanced Materials, with subcontractor assistance, specifically to quantify the reactions of commercial 99.8% purity Aluminas to the semiconductor processes employed in recycling after use in manufacturing equipment. This approach recognized the fact that ceramic semiconductor process kit components can be recycled many times after use. Acid etching is commonly performed to recycle Alumina reactor components when process residues need to be removed. The main objective of the test was to simulate and evaluate the effect of multiple use and recovery cycles on a process kit component.

Testing Process Of 998 Purity Aluminas

在测试过程中,将七个不同的998氧化铝样品抛光并在相对侵略性的33/33/33%溶液中浸入10至20分钟,溶液(足以溶解玻璃)的水氟酸,硝酸和去离子水。每个环形测试样品的直径为200毫米乘5 mm厚的厚度为5毫米,两侧抛光到5微英寸RA的表面。




抛光到精细的饰面后,将氧化铝样品在超声波和温和的肥皂溶液中清洗10分钟,然后冲洗并干燥。进行了氦泄漏测试,以确保所有样品在酸蚀刻之前都泄漏。使用定制的铝制蛤壳夹具通过密封长度为77厘米,测试样品板两侧的氦泄漏率。Viton 747 O形圈密封件用于所有测试。将样品放入连接到VEECO MS50真空氦分析仪上的固定装置中。

Helium leak tests were run twice, and then the best result of both tests was recorded. Both of the o-rings were cleaned carefully for all tests. Acid-etched samples were professionally cleaned; therefore, they were not touched prior to leak testing or roughness testing.

Surface roughness and helium leak were evaluated for each sample after a total of 10 minutes and 20 minutes of acid exposure. Surface roughness data was based on an average of three measurements taken 2 cm away from the sealing surface.





One of the two best performers in the roughness tests also exhibited best results in the helium tests (Fig. 2). Another sample, not one of the two leaders in the roughness evaluation, performed nearly as well as the Alumina offering the highest leak integrity. Test sample No. 3 demonstrated poor results in the helium tests, relative to all the other test samples.

Results of helium leak test on polished Alumina samples after immersion in hydrofluoric, nitric acid and deionized water.

图2。Results of helium leak test on polished Alumina samples after immersion in hydrofluoric, nitric acid and deionized water.

Alumina sample No. 4 was destroyed by an accidental scratch observed to cross the sealing surface. For that reason, 20-minute etching vacuum Helium leak data was not taken.





With an improved grade of Alumina, those semiconductor manufacturers have reported acid etching an average of 10 times before Alumina part replacement is required.

Morgan Advanced 亚博网站下载Materials是Morgan Crucible PLC的子公司,是技术陶瓷,工业陶瓷和高纯度氧化铝和基于氧化氧化铝的结构陶瓷组件的垂直整合制造商。

此信息已从Morgan Advanced Materials提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载




  • APA

    摩根高级材料 - 技术陶瓷。亚博网站下载(2019年11月28日)。酸清洁998纯度AL2O3的表面分析测试。azom。于2022年4月18日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=4547检索。

  • MLA

    摩根高级材料 - 技术陶瓷。亚博网站下载“酸清洁998纯度AL2O3的表面分析测试”。azom。2022年4月18日。

  • Chicago

    摩根高级材料 - 技术陶瓷。亚博网站下载“酸清洁998纯度AL2O3的表面分析测试”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=4547。(2022年4月18日访问)。

  • Harvard

    摩根高级材料 - 技术陶瓷。亚博网站下载2019。酸清洁998纯度AL2O3的表面分析测试。Azom,2022年4月18日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=4547。

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