
行业as diverse as aerospace, automotive, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, power, oil and gas and many more have a common requirement: that materials used in processes and manufacturing can experience a range of temperatures.


It makes sense however to be able to test materials at the temperature at which they will ultimately be used. In order to do this, it is necessary to add heating and/or cooling facilities to the亚博网站下载材料测试机


The addition of a thermal cabinet to a materials testing machine allows testing of samples under pre-defined temperature conditions.

Thermal cabinets are mounted on wheels, which run on a separate base unit for forwarding and backward movement. When the cabinet is in the rear position it is clear of the test machine crosshead and normal ambient tests are possible. A glass observation panel in the front door allows the specimen to be inspected during heating tests.







图2。High-temperature furnace from Lloyd Instruments

Automation of High-Temperature Furnaces




A more sophisticated arrangement involves the use of two furnaces, and such a configuration has been implemented by Lloyd Instruments for use in the steel industry.

可以将两个熔炉连接到100 kN LR100KPLUS落地双柱亚博网站下载材料测试机(as well as to its 150kN and 300kN models) NEXYGENPlus control and test software interfaces to a data acquisition card to allow temperature values from the furnace controller(s) to be read and independently controlled.

The system may be programmed to run any number of heating and cooling cycles as well as holding the sample at a particular temperature for specified time periods.


The automation of this process brings two key benefits. Firstly a huge amount of time is saved as the operator is only required to load the sample at the beginning of the test and unload it at the end. It avoids operators having to be present to adjust furnace temperatures over cycle times, which may last hours. Secondly, the automated process is carried out under identical operating conditions each time, eliminating any possible human errors in setting temperature values incorrectly or for the wrong periods of time.



The LR100KPlus twin column materials testing system can be used for test applications up to 100 kN (22000 lbf). The large working test space between columns of 620 mm (24 in) provides room for the furnace to be fitted. The furnaces used in this application can generate temperatures up to 950¢ªC.

LR100KPLU的总交叉头位移为1150 mm(45.3英寸),可在各种材料上进行准确,一致的测试。亚博网站下载



Fully automated,temperature-controlled materials analysis通过将热加热,加热和冷却或炉子添加到软件控制的材料测试机中,这是可能的。亚博网站下载但是,应该注意的是,控制软件的多功能性使得它不仅限于加热和冷却过程的自动化。


  • 样品装载设备的控制app亚博体育
  • 使用多个应变计测量样品的伸长率
  • 开关测试。软件可以使用电压极限来控制测试,例如一旦开关接触,请更改方向
  • 集成到生产线中,以共享零件编号数据并告知生产线,如果发现不良零件

In addition, built in statistical process control functionality allows continuous process monitoring.

此信息已从Lloyd Instruments Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Lloyd Instruments Ltd.


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    Lloyd Instruments Ltd ..(2020年,12月21日)。材料的温度控制测试。亚博网站下载Azom。于2023年3月9日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=4293检索。

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    Lloyd Instruments Ltd ..“材料的温度控制测试”。亚博网站下载AZoM。2023年3月9日。

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    Lloyd Instruments Ltd ..“材料的温度控制测试”。亚博网站下载Azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=4293。(2023年3月9日访问)。

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    Lloyd Instruments Ltd.. 2020.材料的温度控制测试亚博网站下载。Azom,2023年3月9日,//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=4293。

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