汽车零件的生产可能会因缺陷的电子 - 瓦瓦纳化(EV)浴系而瘫痪。由于对EV解决方案的敏感而准确的分析是生产力,质量和错误识别的基础,因此详细的分析概况可以帮助追踪错误源,并有助于选择最佳解决方案。因此,停机时间和材料成本都可以最小化。
Quality-control tests can be preformed periodically to check for consistent bath composition.
这项研究使用了Horiba ScientificFluoromax®光谱仪。该系统紧凑,经济,并提供多个自动配件。Fluoromax®因其出色的灵敏度,速度和易于使用的软件而闻名。
- 通过所有反射光学和光子计数检测来实现高灵敏度。
- 数据获取很快,因为该系统可以在160 nm.s杀死–1。耦合敏感性和快速数据获取会创建一个可以充当有效且生产性实验室仪器的系统。
- 完整的实验可以存储在内存中,并由技术人员进行菜单驱动操作的技术人员召回。
Therefore, spectra can be acquired in seconds, and a time-based scan can be collected at 1 ms/data point. Simplicity is apparent in the automation, computer-controlled variable slits, software, and calibration. For convenience, all of the controls are located in the keyboard of a PC-compatible computer.
Experimental Procedures
将用于分析的样品分为六个部分。电 - 瓦纳瓦式浴场(EV)是当前浴室的样本,导致操作员问题。样品A是将组成理想EV浴的电镀浴。样品B是含有0.6毫升启动器和1.5毫升亮丽剂的浴缸。样品C是一个含有2 ml启动器和0.5毫升亮丽器的浴缸。获得了起动器和亮点样品以进行比较。
Results and Discussion
The six samples were characterized by their excitation and emission spectra shown in Figures 1 through 4. The fluorescence spectra as determined by theHoriba ScientificFluoromax®光谱荧光仪可以提供一种可能正确混合EV浴中启动器和亮点溶液比例的方法。为了使涂层工作的工作,必须使用恒定的入门和亮光剂。
图1。Comparison of excitation (left side) and emission (right side) spectra of Samples A, B, and C, along with electron-galvanizing coat bath (EV). Next to each trace, the excitation or emission wavelength is given.


图3。Comparison of fluorescence excitation (left side) and emission (right side) of Samples A, C, and a 100-fold dilution of starter solution. Next to each trace, the excitation or emission wavelength is given.

Figure 4.Excitation (left side) and emission (right side) spectra of stock solution of brightener and 100-fold dilution of starter. Next to each trace, the excitation or emission wavelength is given.
Figure 1 illustrates that sample A was 5 × 105counts lower in fluorescence intensity than the EV bath. Sample C was 106强度的计数高于EV BATH。因此,样品C中的组件必须是强度较高的原因。
Sample C contained the largest amount of starter solution, the smallest volume of brightener solution. This indicates that the actual EV bath contained too much starter solution, based on the difference in fluorescence intensities.
The data were fitted to the following linear equation:

where A, B, and C are constants, [Brightener] is the concentration of brightener, [Starter] is the concentration of starter, and If is the observed intensity of fluorescence. An empirical linear relationship thus was established between the fluorescence intensity and ratio of brightener to starter.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by HORIBA Scientific.
有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Horiba Scientific。