Amorphous Steel – University of Virginia Scientists Have Created a Steel That is 3 Times Stronger Than Conventional Steel

Scientists at the University of Virginia have announced the discovery of a non-magnetic amorphous material that is three times stronger than conventional steel and has superior anti-corrosion properties. A future variation of the new material, called DARVA-Glass 101, could be used for making ship hulls, lighter automobiles, tall buildings, corrosion-resistant coatings, surgical instruments and recreational equipment. The scientists say commercial use of the material could be available within three to five years.

该材料由具有随机原子的随机排列(因此是“无定形钢”)组成,它是通过修改U.Va报道的名为Darva-Glass 1的早期版本的无定形钢。研究人员在2002年秋季材料研究学会会议上。亚博网站下载今年5月,他们在《材料研究杂志》中报道了Darva-Glass 101。亚博网站下载

“Amorphous steels can potentially revolutionise the steel industry,” said Joseph Poon, professor of physics at U.Va. and principal investigator for the team that has discovered the material and is now making alterations of it for possible future use in mass production.

Poon’s U.Va. co-investigators are Gary Shiflet, professor of materials science and engineering, and Vijayabarathi Ponnambalam, materials physicist. Their amorphous steel project at U.Va is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Structural Amorphous Metals Program.

根据Poon的说法,多年来,研究人员一直在尝试制作足够大的尺寸的无定形钢,以便具有实际使用。U.VA研究人员成功地生产了可以进一步扩展的大型无定形钢样品。他们通过在Darva-Glass 1中添加一小剂量的稀土元素或Yttrium来实现这一目标。研究人员认为,大尺寸的稀土或YTTRIUM原子会导致竞争晶体结构不稳定,其中显着的原子水平应导致会导致无定形结构的形成。这些发现使U.VA。研究人员乐观地认为,该材料将在十年内经济上获得。

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在另一项工作中,由C.T.领导的小组Liu是田纳西亚博网站下载州橡树岭国家实验室的材料科学家,还报告了6月份的物理审查信中类似于Darva-Glass 101的大尺寸无定形钢,也通过修改美国发现的Darva-Glass 1。VA科学家。


According to the U.Va. researchers, amorphous steel can be machined as well as manipulated like a plastic. “It can be squeezed, compressed, flattened and shaped.” Poon said.

The material is of particular interest to the Navy for making non-magnetic ship hulls, particularly for submarines, which are detectable by the magnetic field of their hulls. The amorphous steel that the U.Va. team is refining is non-magnetic, potentially making a ship invisible to magnetism detectors and mines that are detonated by magnetic fields. The new material also may be useful for producing lighter but harder armour-piercing projectiles. The publicly traded company Liquidmetal Technologies owns an exclusive license to the amorphous steel invented by the U.Va. scientists.





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