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见解来自行业Beau Preston主要的Rainscreen Consulting

在这次访谈中,Azom与Rainscreen Consulting的创始人Beau Preston谈论了Strongirt,这是理想的连续绝缘(CI)覆层附件支持系统及其应用。


With a few exceptions, continuous insulation (CI) is required in all non-wood framed commercial buildings in the US.强壮的®is a pultruded, fiberglass zee girt, designed to reduce/eliminate the thermal bridge through the continuous insulation layer in a modern wall design.

The “Z” shape of the girt allows it to be fastened to the substrate of the wall over the sheathing and air barrier. This creates a shelf to secure the insulation and provide an outer flange to screw cladding or sub-framing without penetrating the insulation layer with additional, thermal-bridging materials, such as fasteners, galvanized zees and hat channels, or cladding attachment clips.

Image Credit: Strongwell


我在2014年参与了建筑行业,当时我帮助将Zee Girt在CI行业中引起了人们的关注,并开始击倒市场的障碍,从而阻止了该行业的障碍。

2018年,我开始与有兴趣在美国市场发展的公司进行咨询。到2019年,我的公司,Rainscreen Consulting(RC),出生。不久之后,一些同事与我联系斯特朗开发强壮®and bring it to market. This was the perfect opportunity to use all the years of feedback from the field to make STRONGIRT®市场上最平易近人,具有成本效益的覆层附件系统。

My experience with many CI products and Strongwell’s unsurpassed knowledge/experience in pultrusion has created a very fruitful relationship.

What makes STRONGIRT®与其他girts不同吗?

在开发强壮的时®, we knew we had to make it simpler than the other girts in the market while making it more readily available.


他们需要在冷/热环境中可以在水附近使用的产品,他们想消除不断寻求特殊批准/工程的需求。最重要的是,他们需要一个具有成本效益的系统。强壮的®meets all of these needs.


Image Credit: Strongwell


Many architects have appreciated what强壮的®带来市场。


强壮的®has been thoroughly tested by simulating the wind and cladding loads simultaneously by DrJ Engineering. Upon successfully testing the NFPA 285 fire testing, DrJ Engineering certified the girts and published a technical evaluation report that structural engineers can use in their designs. Simply replacing the galvanized zees with a pultruded fiberglass zee answers their needs at the core.

市场上的其他一些系统需要专有的绝缘材料,在全国各地制造和运输都是昂贵的。其他人则迫使安装人员在所有墙壁层上盲目固定很长的紧固件,希望击中下面的重要结构成员。安装社区不欣赏所需的“完美”水平。强壮的®does not require proprietary insulation, and fastening it is easy and efficient.

除了强度的简单性®,材料的竞争价格和较低的安装成本大大减少了从工作代替另一个系统的工作中获得“价值工程”(“ VE’D”)的机会。这也减少了项目变得不合规或需要重新绘制的机会。

最后,强壮®改进了市场上的其他系统。降到深灰色,浓烈的®is meeting the demands of the same people who would be specifying it. Speaking of color, STRONGIRT®is dark gray, so it does not appear in open joint rain-screen systems.



Other areas that STRONGIRT®超过竞争能力是:

  • 超强线®can retain a horizontal orientation beyond 4” in depth (currently as deep as 8”).
  • 强壮的®与18 GA钢或其他玻璃纤维螺丝相比,#14 Tek螺钉具有更好的拔出强度。
  • 强壮的®具有自定义长度,颜色和排水选项。
  • 强壮的®does not need to terminate on a stud and can cantilever between two studs, making it less wasteful than other systems.

Image Credit: Strongwell


Rainscreen Consulting为市场采用而感到自豪强壮的®。从机场到大学,再到公司总部,Strongirt®普遍认为是符合代码符合代码的连续绝缘和覆层附件支持的顶级解决方案。

向前迈进,RC将引入Strongirt®to other manufacturers looking for solutions to improve their systems in the wall. From tilt-up concrete to NFPA 285 tests, STRONGIRT®可能在其他产品在市场上的生存能力上有很大的差异。

While our reps continue to support our design and install communities, our management teams will continue to seek ways to allow Strongwell and STRONGIRT® to better serve the community.

Rainscreen Consulting, with its various ventures, will “cross-pollinate” the ideology of STRONGIRT®在相关的地方,在雨屏覆层划分中,并寻找不断改善强者的方法®offering to the market.

关于Beau Preston

Beau Preston一直对企业家着迷。从他在高中期间等待餐桌的时候,他的职业生涯才成为商业银行家,他就被个人经营自己的业务所包围,并抓住了一切机会向他们学习。Beau从那时起就拥有包括辅导,计算机建设,网页设计和房地产投资的企业。当这些企业来来去去时,他们帮助他陷入了企业主,毫不畏惧地试图毫不畏惧地失败。

Today, Beau is living his dream, building three vertically integrated businesses. Rainscreen Consulting, CarolinaREP, and Omnis Panels are each successful in their own regard, but have a significant synergy between them. Having recognized that the most successful entrepreneurs are surrounded by the most successful people, he built these companies with a strong foundation of talented team members, who allow him to continue to look for that next opportunity.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Strongwell Corporation.

For more information on this source, please visitStrongwell Corporation。

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  • APA

    Strongwell Corporation。(2022年,12月22日)。设计一个具有成本效益和强大的依恋支持系统。azom。于2023年1月29日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Strongwell Corporation。“设计一个具有成本效益和强大的依恋支持系统”。azom。29 January 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    Strongwell Corporation。“设计一个具有成本效益和强大的依恋支持系统”。azom。// (accessed January 29, 2023).

  • Harvard

    Strongwell Corporation。2022。设计一个具有成本效益和强大的依恋支持系统。azom, viewed 29 January 2023, //

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